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Meet Taven Epps of Cowtownsound Productions / The Last Kids in Boyd

Today we’d like to introduce you to Taven Epps.

Taven, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
When I was 8 the school told my mother that I failed a hearing test. We then went to an audiologist who confirmed that I indeed had Hugh frequency hearing loss. With the hearing loss we learned that this was the reason I was struggling with reading. When I finally received my hearing aids I could see that there was a great difference and it helped me a lot. But I was still struggling. My nana who lives in Atlanta is in movies and TV shows. She knew I walked to be in a zombie film or TV show really bad. When I was 9 she suggested one day that I just star in my own zombie movie. My nana said that if I could write the playwright then she and my mom would help get it all together. So me my mom and nana sat down and wrote “the last kids”. When I had to read my lines it helped me a lot with learning how to read better. It also gave me more confidence in school when it came to doing homework and also taking tests. I loved making the last kids so much that my mom me and my nana decided to make more episodes. Having my hearing aids is cool because it’s like I can hear better than everyone just like my character in the last kids.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No it hasn’t. When I don’t wear my hearing aids I can’t hear very well so my mom has to yell at me. But when I have them in I can hear her really good I just ignore her sometimes.

I can actually read lips so if I don’t have them in I can tell what you are saying if I’m looking at you.

My teachers have to make sure they aren’t standing behind me in class when they ask me to do something.

I also play football…. so I can’t always hear when the quarter back says hut. I have to watch the ball and make sure I move when I need to. The team is really good about making sure I know what play we are running!! My coaches also make sure I’ve heard what is going on.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Cowtownsound Productions / The Last Kids – what should we know?
I don’t have a company yet!! But I do my homework, chores, go to school, play football, write the last kids and have to play the video game!

Because I am 10 years old and I have written the last kids and my mom and dad give me everything I want!

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
I have a lot of good people that have taught me how to do everything! I’m not bragging but I have some awesome people around me! My mom she helps me with everything, my dad buys me everything, my nana makes good cookies, and my aunt Haley takes me to fun places. I love them all they are pretty cool.

Contact Info:

  • Phone: 9403673557
  • Email:
  • Instagram: Thelastkidsofficial
  • Facebook:

Image Credit:
Dad lamarcus epps and mom Ciara Loran

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