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Check Out Demri Atkinson’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Demri Atkinson

Hi Demri, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Growing up in a small Washington farm town, I felt confined to what our tiny square footage had to offer. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll always be a small town girl at heart. But when I moved to Seattle in my 20’s, it unlocked something inside of me that changed the trajectory of my life… and my career.

To keep a very long story short, it threw me to the ground and forced me to rebuild everything that I thought I knew and believed in – from religion and spirituality to family dynamics and intimate relationships – all of my past trauma and pain came rushing to the forefront. It was a transformative beginning. A form of becoming if you will. Now here we are, years later. A mother, photographer, writer and agency owner. A multi-passionate being with a multifaceted past. One that allows me to run a revitalized and empowered brand that helps other women step into their own unique callings.

From my time in the nonprofit world serving youth, to studying psychology while I grew my photography business and worked as a barista part time, my vast experiences have all worked together for good. Leading me to the creation of OHSIA; a holistic approach to brand strategy and marketing that offers a careful blend of traditional strategies and human complexities. Truly a passion project that has turned into a dream career.

To this day, I’m still trying to figure out who I am outside of the coping mechanisims I had built as a teen and young adult. There is a lot of trauma from my past that for a while, had a strong hold on me. But since leaving my hometown years ago and becoming a partner and mother, I’ve leaned into a whole other level of healing. It’s a life long journey but I feel pretty damn lucky that I’ve been able to bring purpose to the pain. Moving to Dallas 3 years ago has been a beautiful testimate to that and I’m so greatful for the family, life and career we are continueing to build.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
My journey has been complex and rocky since my pre-teens. I come from a family that loved me deeply, but came with a long line of generational trauma and dysfunctional patterns. Although I’m not part of the church now, my Christian roots were both a saving grace and also my biggest downfall.

The faith structure that saved my life, also taught me to abandoned my self in the name of others. I was disconnected from my body, unable to say no, had zero sense of boundaries and was never given the proper tools to deal with my mental health. Through all of that, I became extremely depressed and suicidal, all while becoming a professional people pleaser and hard worker. I was rgood at being “good”.

This survival technique made it extremely hard for me to have safe, close relationships as well as any sort of work life balance. And even though I was working constantly, I felt safer when I was barely holding on. So I self-sabatoged… a lot. This led to isolation, dept and a whole lot of friction between my now fiance and I.

I have so much more self awareness now and have been able to turn these obstacles and challenges into strengths and lessons, but for a while there it was a struggle. I wouldn’t change it for the world because It’s made me who I am today, but I will never go back. It’s only upwards from here.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I have two businesses; my photography business and personal brand, Demri Rayanne, as well as my creative agency, OHSIA by demri rayanne. And although I love the holistic brand strategy and content marketing work we do over at OHSIA, my foundation will always be as an artist and creative.

I started my photography business at the young age of 18 as a senior in high school where I mostly photographed friends and family. By the time I was 19/20, I was shooting weddings and creating a personal brand for myseslf that was rooted in authenticity and human connection. I would write and share my personal struggles and revolations on social media along with my photography work. Through my honest approach to branding, I was able to create a loyal and engaging community that has grown with me to this day. I’m now 29 so a decade later, we’re still going strong. How cool is that?

I mostly shoot brands now with editorials, couples and families sprinkled in here and there, but a love I have never given up is writing. Whether it be about life, business or spirituality. Sharing from the heart will always be my biggest healer and deepest passion.

In terms of what I’m known for as a photographer; my goal is to always document others in a way that looks and feels like them. No stiff posing or oversaturated trends. Just simple, yet intentional, storytelling that’s inspired by the soul of the brand/person/couple/family.

In my mind, it doesn’t necessarily matter who or what I’m shooting. It all comes down to documenting people and their surroundings in a way that feels like art. Because art is what connects us. Whether we realize it or not.

And although we are capturing beautiful imagery, it’s also extremely important to me that the experience of the shoot itself is just as beatiful. I want my clients to feel comfortable and empowering throughout, because that matters too. Maybe even in the most.

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
Aside from my daughter and family unit of 3, the mundane makes me the happiest. Shadows from the morning sun, a honey latte, walks around the neighborhood, live music from a local artist, a soft lounge set, candlelight in every room, etc. It’s the simple things that ground me. Probably because my brain runs a million miles per minute. I need the simple reminders to slow me down. I also love to travel and experience new things! Culture, art galleries, food, you name it. The world is massive and I want to show my daughter that she can experience it all… while also finding her own version of what grounds her in the day to day.

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Image Credits
Personal photo – Sara Welch
Demri Rayanne

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