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Conversations with Shailaun Manning

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shailaun Manning

Hi Shailaun, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My journey has been a blend of creativity, resilience, and love. I started out as a model and performer, balancing between my passion for music and acting. After taking a break from modeling, I returned to the industry, doing photoshoots for major brands like JCPenney, Baylor Scott and White, and Sam’s Club. That comeback was especially meaningful because it marked my recovery from a challenging battle with cancer. Performing again at the Jubilee Theatre felt like reclaiming a piece of myself.

My love for art led me to co-own a mobile paint party business (7ART Mobile Paint Parties) with my husband, where I get to share creative experiences with others. Currently, I’m working on an album called Me Time, which reflects my personal journey of growth and transformation. The album features a single titled “The Locust Metamorphosis,” which encapsulates the idea of change and rebirth—both personally and creatively.

At the core of everything I do is love. It’s the driving force behind my brand, my music, and my art. Through all the highs and lows, I’ve learned that love and creativity are the essence of who I am, and I’m constantly evolving to create a world where those elements shine.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The road hasn’t been entirely smooth. One of the biggest challenges has been battling cancer, and I’m still in the process of recuperating. This journey required me to step back from my work and focus on healing. My husband and family have been an incredible support system throughout, allowing me the space to rest and recover. My husband has taken on a larger role in managing our household and our paint party business, and my family has been in my corner heavily, ensuring I have the strength and love needed to get through this.

Right now, I’m slowly returning to modeling and music, but it’s a gradual process. I’ve had to learn patience and embrace that healing takes time. The struggles have been real, but they’ve also shown me the importance of self-care and the power of leaning on those who love you. I’m allowing myself the time I need to heal fully, trusting that everything will fall into place when it’s meant to.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a multi-talented creative, and my work spans across several artistic fields. I’m a singer, songwriter, model, actress, dancer, stylist, and even a co-owner of a mobile paint party business. My creative expression is at the heart of everything I do, and I specialize in blending art with emotion, particularly through music and performance. Right now, I’m working on an album called Me Time, which reflects my personal growth and transformation. One of the songs, “The Locust Metamorphosis,” symbolizes my own journey of rebirth after a period of healing.

I’m most proud of my ability to maintain my artistic integrity while navigating different industries. Whether it’s music, modeling, or entrepreneurship, I bring my whole self into every project. I believe what sets me apart is the energy of love that I pour into everything I do. My brand is deeply rooted in the message that love is the most powerful force, and I strive to create art that uplifts and inspires others.

What also sets me apart is my commitment to authenticity and connection. I create from a place of genuine emotion, and I think that resonates with people. Whether it’s performing on stage, being in front of the camera, or curating artistic experiences for others, I focus on creating a world where people can feel seen, understood, and loved.

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
Something surprising that most people who know me or my work might not realize is that, despite the confidence and strength I project through my art and performances, I’ve had to overcome significant self-doubt and personal challenges behind the scenes. Many assume that I’m always bold and fearless, but in reality, my journey has required a lot of inner healing and self-reflection.

Another surprising fact is my deep interest in spirituality and how it fuels my creativity. My brand is rooted in love, but that love also stems from a spiritual belief in the power of creation. I view myself as a vessel for creativity, and everything I do is connected to a higher purpose. It’s not just about the art or the music; it’s about making a meaningful impact on people’s lives.


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Image Credits
Sterling T. Steeves, Shailaun

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