Today we’d like to introduce you to Hollis Citron.
Hi Hollis, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I was never the kid that knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up. I was pretty self-conscious and shy but at the same time was always ready and willing to stand up for someone that needed standing up for, FYI… I was always the shortest one in the class. I did dabble in the visual arts but did not label myself an “artist”. Jumping to high school when it came to graduating high school, I decided to go to art school. My guidance counselor told me I would not get in, very supportive. Well, I did. Got my BFA in fine arts and ceramics. I went off had some life experiences living in different places and got my MA in Art Education.
I have been an art teacher for 30 years in both traditional and nontraditional settings ranging from homeless shelters, artists in residencies, my own businesses to the public and private school system. I have had the opportunity to work with ages 2-100, general education and special needs… basically, many people from all socio-economic backgrounds. Most of my experience has been in underserved communities.
My big pivot was when I had my F#@% You 51’s and realized I need to leave the classroom and work with adults and this whole adulting thing and why we deny ourselves joy and happiness. So, I Am Creative was born. The mission is to expand the “societal” definition of creativity beyond a pencil and a paintbrush and to empower people to own their voice and talents that come in so many different forms. Here we create experiential kits and hold spaces for creative inspiration in both group and individual settings.
My podcast was born, Creative Conversations with Hollis Citron, where I dive into this topic talking to people with all different kinds of jobs, hobbies, and interests. The conversations are structured around 3 questions: 1) How do you define Creativity 2) How do you incorporate it into your life 3) Why do you think it is important? We have a free-flowing conversation and see where it goes. BTW not one person has defined creativity as drawing or painting. There have been answers such as; “creativity is courage”, “creativity is that magic spark”.
The icing on the cake has been the publishing house I started called Express Yourself Publishing. I create and publish multi-author and solo books. This creates another safe space for people to tell their stories and be supported and seen.
My mantra for 30 years has been you are a creative person and do not have to know how to draw or paint. I saw the power in this with unlimited amounts of stories to share. The mission is the same the circumstances have just changed a little.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I have realized and now accept, not always with ease, that it is never a straight, smooth road. There are twists and turns, zigs and zags as we get from point A to Z. Not to sound too cheesy but there is so much good in that really. Often those things we stumble on or realizations that hit us in the face with a 2×4 (theoretical of course) do wake us up. The universe led me down the path of teaching after stints in retail and the restaurant scene. I was so shy and would turn purple at the drop of a hat and did not see myself in front of people leading lessons, doing staff developments, speaking on stage, and doing live videos but here we are. The biggest block has always been myself and limiting beliefs and perceptions, of course. Also, various settings I taught in that came with a lot of behavior regulation really taught me how to be more specific with my words, be a better listener and really take time to realize that everyone has a story and much of the behavior that gets exhibited is not personal, even though it sure feels pretty personal.
I am a work in progress, being sculpted and shaped by experiences and beliefs but not being tied to the one way of looking it can all change at any moment, there is beauty in that.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
As far as my creative expression there are many ways but let’s start with my visual expression. I have my BFA in fine arts with a focus in ceramics. I really resonate with creating my ideas in a 3D format. Clay has been a love-hate relationship. Love the material and also get frustrated with the process at times and how long it takes for it to be a finished piece. Also, to that note, there is beauty in the process and noticing each part. One as a part of a whole has always been a theme in my work and wanting to create larger-scale pieces that come together to tell a story. This theme has really woven its way into many different visual mediums that I now enjoy such as collage, writing, and really any medium that helps the idea I have be birthed into physical form.
My businesses are sculptures in my mind that I am constantly shaping and forming.The mission is to empower people to own their voice and talents that come in so many different forms, and just really own it. We all have stories and they can empower us or get us a little off track. What I offer is all about personalization and guiding people back to what lights them up. My creative shui space takes people through 7 pillars to bring in joy and happiness in an individual space and soon to be a group opportunity. Along the way personalized experiential kits are created to really allow people to connect and give themselves permission for exploration. My podcast is all about conversations and connection. The publishing house is all about expression and creating community.
The intention is set in each space to feel safe. When a person feels nurtured and not judged then the flood gates open and the possibilities are endless. When someone is in my space I really want it to be an experience. The purpose is that they are being heard and given space to say what needs to be said, make mistakes and try things to feel more expansive.
My mantra has become “ CREATIVITY IS NOT CUTE IT IS NECESSARY”. Creativity is not these arts and crafts projects where you have time for once in a while. Creativity is life, it is bold, it is that energy that runs through us every day. It is the choices we make in our everyday life from what we wear to what we eat to how we show up as a parent or individual. I Am Creative & Express Yourself Publishing supports you in finding your way and actually being an active participant in life.
Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I believe that risk-taking is choices. We can be safe or conservative with the choices to protect us from getting ” hurt”. No risk, keeping things as is, can create a sense of safety and predictability which can be comfortable. But… without risk, there is no growth. Risk is necessary to be a more expansive human and help us to create contrast in our life. We need to know what we are good at and not good at so we can fail and succeed. It is necessary to know what you don’t like to know what you do like. I was incredibly shy as a child. I would turn purple at the drop of a hat and not the pretty purple, it was blotchy and was like a badge that showed my every emotion to have me stand out, not in a good way. I avoided a lot of situations and did not try things because I did not want to be seen. As I got older, I was put into situations where it was shown to me that I had to grow. I became a teacher, led staff developments, spoke on stages, started my own companies. Often, I never knew this was going to be and it was a matter of accepting the challenge.
Doing these things way out of my comfort zone helped me to learn lots of lessons and really has shaped me to know my purpose, which I am very grateful. Not my quote but we need to ” get comfortable with the uncomfortable” to find out who we are and our why.
Contact Info:
- Email: iamcreativephilly@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.iamcreativephilly.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamcreativephilly/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hollis.grosscitron/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTs1wZk9sGbzwcHxB_GbfqQ
- SoundCloud: https://creativeconversations.podbean.com/
- Other: https://www.iamcreativephilly.com/express-yourself-publishing-house