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Hidden Gems: Meet Misty Mcmillan of 3 Embers Grappling Academy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Misty Mcmillan

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
When I was in college (1995) I needed an elective and found a class called Grappling 101. I was curious and realized that there were several martial arts classes being offered as a minor program. I decided to take the class and ended up falling in love with what would eventually become my life passion. I felt empowered, strong, and the sport took me into deep waters both mentally and physically. I began to not only take all the available classes at my college, but I would spend my evenings at my professor’s martial arts school, adding to my training. I started competing at local grappling tournaments, which at that time were composed of high school and college wrestlers, Judokas, and other small schools. Before graduating, I was awarded the 1998 AGA (American Grappling Association) points Champion.

After graduation, I got married, moved states, and started my family and career, leaving martial arts behind. In 2006, our family made the move to Frisco, Texas. We started over and got settled into our new lives. I had a full-time desk job in a real estate office which caused me to see a chiropractor. During my appointment, I realized that my Chiropractor must have been a wrestler due to his stature and the typical “cauliflower ear” you see in those athletes. We got to talking about our sports histories and he invited me to attend a class at a local martial arts school called Jiu Jitsu. He thought with my background that I would enjoy it.

The next week I walked in to take my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class and from that point on, I never stopped. I would go to every class I could, sometimes 2x day. I began competing again in local tournaments and getting on the podiums. I realized how much I missed being on the mats. I spent almost a decade at the same school, with the same professor, learning, struggling in those deep waters once again, and loving every minute of it.

Fast forward to 2015 when I was forced to change gyms due to no fault of anyone. Blame high rent rates and the cost of running a business. I found a gym in McKinney which I was familiar with and knew many people who trained there. I continued to be a practitioner of Jiu Jitsu; training, competing, and teaching. In 2023, I was able to compete at the highest amateur level and became a Master’s World Champion blackbelt at age 47. I am currently ranked #1 in my division through IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation).

In March of this year, I had an opportunity to purchase the gym I was training at. Along with two other of my teammates, we made it official and purchased the gym from our head Professor, and as of April 2024, we have taken off and have already been successful in obtaining local tournament awards.

In a male-dominated sport and industry, I have been able to not only be successful, but have managed to be the highest-ranking professor at my school, and gained the respect of the men that train with and under me. I was blessed with great men in my life; husband, coaches, business partners, teammates, and mentors who assisted me in my passion for this sport.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
With success, there are always challenges. Injuries, changing gyms, and managing your passion with life expectations. The biggest struggle I found with becoming a jiu jitsu practitioner is the mental struggles you find yourself in. As a female, we are physically weaker, smaller, and have a higher risk of being abused. Ever been a victim of sexual or physical abuse? Well, jiu jitsu can absolutely be a trigger. You are put in very bad and compromising positions in jiu jitsu. Top that off with about an 80-99% chance of your training partners being male, and you have a recipe for some major mental breakdowns. What started out as a “fun thing to do” turned into a lesson of how to work through mental and physical barriers. Learning so much about myself, shutting down those negative internal thoughts. Getting past my own blocks to become comfortable in very uncomfortable situations. Learning to be in control, gaining confidence, even in terrible positions while understanding the capabilities of my body is something that is just too hard to explain in words. The breakthroughs of mental and physical struggles that can be accomplished while training jiu jitsu are invaluable.

After seeing my first Jiu Jitsu school struggle, I never thought I would have any interest in becoming a gym owner. My current gym, before I decided to purchase it, was also struggling. It’s hard to be a small business owner. If you don’t have a strong support system you won’t make it. 20% of small businesses fail in the first year. At the five-year mark that jumps to 50%. Add Covid into the mix and those numbers skyrocket. I’m not new to the self-employed industry, I knew I needed support in order to make this gym ownership successful.

As you know, we’re big fans of 3 Embers Grappling Academy. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We are dedicated to helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds in our community achieve their best selves. Our Jiu Jitsu classes offer not just physical health benefits but also instill strong values, foster new friendships, and teach valuable self-defense and anti-bullying skills.

Starting as young as five years old, we teach children correct form and technique. But Jiu Jitsu is more than just combat training—it’s about cultivating self-confidence, positive values, and a supportive community. The mental and physical benefits of Jiu Jitsu are immense, including improved flexibility, total-body fitness, hand-eye coordination, and gross motor skills. It can also help with mental clarity, brain stimulation, and reducing depression.

At 3 EMBERS, we’re more than just a school; we’re a family committed to each other’s success. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor, a beginner, or somewhere in between, our focus on personalized instruction allows students to learn at an accelerated pace in a relaxed environment. Whether you seek self-defense skills, competitive success, or improved fitness, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.

Everyone is welcome at 3 EMBERS Grappling Academy. We believe that everyone can benefit from our program, whether you’re interested in learning the art or simply improving your overall health. Your journey is unique, and we are here to support you every step of the way. All of our Youth and Adult Coaches have gone through extensive criminal background checks. You will always have a Black Belt instructor on the mats during class.

Our three owners are active competitors. as well as experienced black belts. We also have a passion for serving our veteran community. We have a close relationship with the WeDefy Foundation which supports veterans by finding approved jiu jitsu schools and providing scholarships to help veterans who are experiencing PTSD, depression, lack of community, and various disabilities become part of a community and use training to work through their mental and physical disadvantages in a safe environment.

Finally, having a female head as your highest ranking professor is quite unusual. Female black belts are considered unicorns in this sport. At our gym, we have THREE female black belts.

Do you any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
When I was in elementary school, I learned to ride horses and became a Western Pleasure horse show rider for a family friend. I loved getting dressed up in the show gear and being able to match my horse. After my showing days, my mom got me a Mustang from the wild horse roundups. It was my responsibility to tame her. I spent hours every day with that horse. My best memories.

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