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Meet Collin Roberts of Highland Village

Today we’d like to introduce you to Collin Roberts

Hi Collin, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am a Texas native who grew up in a small town with hardworking parents who had only had the dreams and hopes on their backs for the family and future they would build together. Watching my parents’ faithfulness at home and work, I developed an interest in entrepreneurialism as I looked to step outside the box for the family and the future I could build for myself. In high school, I convinced my parents to purchase a franchise, and I managed and ran the business for several years. However, as a Christian, I could never shake the desire to fully immerse myself in the Christian faith to love and serve others, and I took a job at a local church when I was 20 years old. I completed a degree in International Business Management at Liberty University, met my wife Ashley of now 14 years, and we started a family. We have three children, Aiden, Hattie Mae, and Alivia, and my family is my pride and joy. Several years ago, my wife and I had a conviction to raise our children, with Ashley leading the way for their education, which meant she would leave behind a job she loved. I always had a personal interest in Real Estate, shopped homes in my spare time for “fun”, and played landlord for several years. It was a natural passion and transition to pick up my Real Estate license as a “side job” to support my family while bridging a gap I saw in the industry between the negative connotations Reatlors® can carry and creating a lights out full-service real estate experience. I was passionate about building an entire team of professionals across multiple sectors that I could provide to my clients to ensure one of the greatest investments of their lives was in excellent and capable hands. After seven years of being bi-vocational, I earned my broker’s license in 2023. I jumped into the full-time business, supporting family, friends, and clients to bring education, service, and stewardship to the real estate industry. We have a thriving business thanks to our incredible network of friends and family who constantly give us referrals, and we were honored to be featured in D Magazine, Fort Worth Magazine, and Real Trends this year. Real Estate has provided me space to be a better husband, father, and friend while being the best resource and advisor for all my clients in building a brighter future together.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Real Estate is not for the faint of heart. I believe, at times, the industry can paint a picture of misconceptions and bad reputations between mimosa-posting realtors on social media and the blame game of the media when market conditions are challenging. This business has significant overhead and risks no matter your style of business, and it can feel like a race to the bottom if you do not know your why and the service you provide your clients. I’ve had years that were solid and something to be proud of and then break-out years due to our incredible client referrals and market conditions. Sales volume doesn’t make life any easier or harder, and it takes surrounding yourself with professionals and clients you enjoy to make the experience. Real Estate is a two-way street – I let my clients know they don’t have to work with me, can fire me if needed, and I get to make the same decisions. We want it to be mutually beneficial and rewarding. At times, prospective clients may choose not to work with us. In the same vein, there are clients I have declined to work for, whether it be a moral, ethical, personality, or lack of value proposition for the services and support I provide or that they were looking for. I think the industry has its work cut out to make it much harder for someone to receive their real estate license and the qualifications and standards to stay in it for the betterment of the people we serve. It’s not solely on us either; people can often treat Real Estate as an emotional decision and miss the opportunity to educate themselves on the process, equity proposition, and opportunity they have to make real estate the most valuable equity vehicle in their life.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I love people, and I hope and pray that people can catch a vision of who they are and the opportunity they have to create a legacy. Being a former pastor turned real estate agent, the end is the same – love people and help them flourish. I hope to step into what can be a daunting or weighty decision, bring peace and clarity to concerns or questions, and provide stress-free solutions and services while providing buyers, sellers, and those who stay with assistance, resources, and tools to make informed decisions about their purchasing power, selling power, and opportunities for equity growth, investment, and generational wealth management that goes beyond us.

As someone who loves creative thinking, operational procedures, customer service, and drawing down from the big picture to the intrinsic details, it’s a joy to step into the multiple spaces of real estate and serve every client who comes across our path.

One of my favorite things about my job is that my father, Steve Roberts, retired two years ago and obtained his license to serve me and my clients. This has provided him with supplemental income to retire early, do what he loves, and spend more time with his grandkids. When we build beyond ourselves, we have the opportunity to not only change our own lives but impact the generations before us and behind us.

What matters most to you? Why?
Jesus and people. People are at the heart of everything we do. From my soul, my bride, family, and every person I meet, we all have value and worth in this life, and I hope to point you to the one who makes it all worth it. I don’t shy away from my faith, and Jesus is at the center of it all. You are worth it to me to share my life with you along your own journey, even if we don’t agree on our faith. It takes time to listen to someone’s story, ask questions out of curiosity and not criticism, and be willing to spend the time invested in their lives to know where they have come from and where they hope to go. In Real Estate, while essential in every way, a transaction is only one piece of the story at play. How we love people, the stories our life tells, and how we help shape a brighter future is worthy of my time and efforts to serve you.

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Image Credits
10903 Rocky Road Photo – credit FullPackageMedia

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