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Meet De’Maria Walker of O’Shalas Formula in Arlington

Today we’d like to introduce you to De’Maria Walker.

De’ Maria, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
When the idea of O’Shalas Formula struck my mind, I knew it would be something heartfelt, something meaningful, something that would make an impact. I have battled with Atopic Dermatitis Eczema my entire life. I knew I wanted to make a change for myself. Once I made that change, I knew I had to share it with others to create something beautiful.

Throughout my path of life, I have suffered with insecurities because of my skin. Still, to this day I get a little insecure, but I remind myself, I’m not alone, and I am truly blessed because it could be a lot worse. I am so thankful to be able to share my testimony with people who are going through the same storm.

Has it been a smooth road?
I have endured many challenges and obstacles. Some curve balls I was unsure if I would be able to overcome. I meditated, tuned in with the universe and remained patient. Finances are my biggest challenges, but I’m making it.

Another hard challenge I’m facing is support, everyone isn’t going to support me (especially family and friends), and I had to remind myself that it is okay! I’m going to be fine, and I send so many blessings their way.

We’d love to hear more about what you do.
First and foremost, I am a Licensed Esthetician going on two years now! My business O’Shalas Formula is a natural line of skin nourishment’s, everything is handcrafted with my bare hands with love added.

One thing I’m grateful for about O’Shalas Formula is that it is touching lives. When I read people testimonies (reviews), it leaves me speechless. Knowing what I created has made an impact on someone, and the smiles I put on someone face is a magical feeling I can’t explain.

What sets my business apart from others is love. When I’m in person with a customer, and they’re trying a sample the expression on their face tells it all. They feel the love I put into each batch. They know it’s not something that was just thrown together. I’m an amazing sight.

Is our city a good place to do what you do?
I do feel Dallas is a great city for my business because it’s so many people with skin conditions and now everyone is trying to go the natural which is amazing and beneficial.

If someone is just starting out with a business I would recommend for them to have their finances in order, make sure to always network and marketing is very important.

Most importantly, do not get discouraged because you may see another business out there like yours, everyone can be successful. Have faith and believe

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Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment

  1. Lashonda

    January 16, 2019 at 10:30 pm

    I want to order a jar

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