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Meet Michie Kelly of Little Elm, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michie Kelly

Hi Michie , thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
How I became my own best friend, a journey of Self-Love in the Mind and Body

I was born on the island of Puerto Rico where my life was filled with music, dance, beautiful beaches, and family.

When I was 13, my mom remarried, and we moved to Dallas, TX, leaving behind my dad and the rest of my family. The sudden shift left me feeling lost, angry, and scared. I struggled with anxiety, depression, and disordered eating. Looking back, I realize much of it came from being uprooted from my culture, my loved ones, and myself.

For years, I lived in this fog, unsure of who I was or where I belonged. In my 20’s I had times where I would experience such high anxiety and panic attacks, that my doctor suggested I try yoga. At the time, I wasn’t excited about it, I was always too restless. But after a simple 30-minute practice, something profound happened; as I lay in savasana, for the first time in my life, I felt peace.

That moment of relaxation was like a release, I broke down and cried. It was the first step towards healing by learning how to listen to my body and how to connect with myself.

When I was 25, I discovered Zumba and yoga at a local studio called MoveStudio in North Dallas. My mom was battling breast cancer, and watching her fight for her life inspired me to challenge myself to become a Zumba instructor, believing that changing my body through weight loss would bring me everlasting happiness.

Teaching Zumba was healing as it reconnected me with the inner island girl I had lost. On the outside, I seemed to be thriving, people admired my weight loss and dedication to helping others change their bodies, but on the inside, I was hurting. My mom’s illness, unresolved emotional pain, and the pressure I put on myself to shrink my body; led me to develop bulimia to cope with the chaos I couldn’t control.

A few years later, I decided to get certified to teach yoga, which became the true catalyst for transformation. Yoga taught me how to connect with my body in a new, compassionate way. It shifted my focus from trying to change my appearance to accepting myself, flaws, and all. Teaching yoga allowed me to heal not just physically but emotionally, it paved the path toward lasting self-love and acceptance.

6 years into my eating disorder, I realized this obsession with being smaller wasn’t serving me. That year, I joined a training with the Embody Love Movement and I learned all about body positivity and that I wasn’t alone in feeling shame about my body. I wasn’t broken, our society’s relentless messaging around weight and worth was.

At 35, I got engaged. Despite the progress I had made, hoping to fit into the perfect wedding dress, I went on a diet. However this time, I discovered Intuitive Eating which changed my life. I worked with a therapist who guided me in the process and decided I was done pursuing weight loss as a lifelong goal.

Intuitive Eating taught me how to nourish my body without fear or obsession. I made peace with food, I could finally eat without feeling guilt or fear. More than that, I stopped seeing my body as something to be fixed or judged, I discovered peace in accepting my body, even on the days I didn’t like how it looked.

Instead of spending all my energy trying to shrink my body, I created space in my mind and heart for personal growth and other things that truly matter.

In 2022, I took another step in my healing journey by becoming a Self-Love coach through the Self-Love Lifestyle. This was no small feat, as I’ve had to work through my fears, perfectionist tendencies, and doubts about whether I could truly help others. But the more I serve, the more I realize that this is my dharma, my purpose in this lifetime.

Turning my pain into purpose has been one of the most profound transformations of my life, and it’s allowed me to guide others to love and accept themselves.

Through this journey, I’ve learned to become my own best friend by replacing the critical voice in my head with kindness and self-compassion. I’ve learned to feel and process my emotions rather than numbing them with food, and instead of seeking validation from others, I’ve focused on building trust in myself.

As I reflect on this journey, I realize that self-love isn’t about perfection, it’s about fully embracing your authentic self. It’s about trusting that you are enough exactly as you are, while also allowing space for growth and transformation.

Self-love to me isn’t a destination; it’s a lifelong practice of choosing compassion over judgment, acceptance over perfection, and peace over obsession. My hope in sharing my story is that others who are struggling see that they’re not alone and that healing is possible. No matter where you are on your journey, you are enough just as you are.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
One of the biggest struggles was confronting my own deeply ingrained beliefs about my worth being tied to my weight and appearance. Battling an eating disorder and learning to break free from the constant pressure to change my body was incredibly difficult. There were moments when it felt easier to fall back into old patterns of self-criticism, dieting, binge eating, and seeking validation from others.

Another challenge was navigating my own anxieties, fears, and self-doubt as I transitioned into teaching and later becoming a self-love coach. I had to push past feelings of imposter syndrome, feeling unworthy and not enough, and questioning whether I could truly help others while I’m still healing myself. But each step, though hard, taught me more about resilience, trust, and the power of self-love and compassion.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I specialize in trauma-informed yoga, mindfulness, dance, and somatics, with a deep focus on self-love and healing. My work creates safe, compassionate spaces for individuals to reconnect with their minds, bodies, and emotions, especially those who’ve experienced trauma. Through practices like yoga, breathwork, EFT Tapping, and mindful movement, I help women cultivate self-awareness, compassion, and acceptance.

I offer group workshops and 1:1 sessions, both in person and online, and recently started teaching at Evolve Yoga Lounge in Oak Point. One of my proudest achievements is guiding clients from disconnection and distrust of their bodies to a place of kindness and patience. I focus on fostering self-compassion and nurturing both physical and emotional well-being.

What sets me apart is my commitment to creating a non-judgmental space where women can explore their mind and body safely. My passion is in helping women realize they are enough as they are, empowering them to embrace their authentic selves through compassion, mindfulness, and self-trust.

Any big plans?
My plans for the future are to create a podcast where I can share insights on yoga, self-love, and mindfulness practices. I want to reach a broader audience and create a supportive community through meaningful conversations about healing and personal growth. I’d also love to host out-of-town retreats, offering immersive, transformative experiences where people can step away from their everyday lives and dive deeper into self-care, relaxation, and connection with themselves and others.

In addition to retreats, I’m looking forward to hosting more in-person workshops where I can bring people together in a safe and nurturing environment. These workshops will focus on everything from gentle yoga, dance, energy healing, and breathwork to exploring self-love practices that people can carry into their daily lives.

What excites me most about the future is building a community where people feel empowered, seen, and supported on their journeys toward healing.

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