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Art & Life with Sierra Barnes

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sierra Barnes.

Sierra, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
I am a 21- year- old self- taught artist from Dallas, Texas. In 2002, I was diagnosed with Craniopharyngioma (brain tumor). After coming home from the hospital after having my brain surgery my mom gave me a canvas to paint on. It was then that I painted my first painting. I named it Complicated. I now paint abstract and abstract figure paintings using mostly acrylic and watercolor mediums. Each piece of art I create I write an original poem that comes handwritten by me on the back. All of the obstacles and challenges I’ve been through have only inspired and motivated me as an artist and a person. One of my sayings is that I am an artist and a writer creating in a world full of chaos.

Can you give our readers some background on your art?
I paint abstract and abstract figure paintings using mostly acrylic and watercolor mediums. Each piece of art I create comes with an original poem handwritten by me on the back of it. Sometimes my art inspires my poetry and others my poetry inspires my art. There are times that my art is planned and other times it just happens. It can be very unpredictable. My art is my passion and I put my heart and soul into it. I can’t imagine doing anything else. Art has helped me in so many ways and through many difficult times in my life. Even when I didn’t realize it. My art is inspired by my daily life, things I observe, and things I’ve been through. I know that not everyone will like or understand my art and that’s okay with me. I feel that everyone can look at a piece of art and see or feel something completely different. With my art, I hope to help and inspire others in one way or another.

Artists rarely, if ever pursue art for the money. Nonetheless, we all have bills and responsibilities and many aspiring artists are discouraged from pursuing art due to financial reasons. Any advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective artists?
I feel that success is defined by never giving up even when you have tough critics, let downs, and people saying you’re not good enough. Trust me I’ve had my fair share. I think staying true to yourself, your passion, and your art is essential to be a successful artist or to be successful at anything really.

What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
People can check out my website.
And I post on my social media and my newsletter when I have upcoming shows.

Contact Info:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment


    April 17, 2018 at 3:24 am

    I love your art style !!! My favorite it the bright blue painting in the center. Thank you for sharing your visions, they strike a cord with me 🙂

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