Today we’d like to introduce you to Andrew Vandekop.
Hi Andrew, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
I love creating things and am proud to call myself an inventor. In college, while playing pool at the local hangout, I invented a laser-based billiard training system that shows you how to make any shot. My next patent was for a bracelet that was cool enough to be worn by a musician on an album cover. But my most meaningful patents are the ones I participated in with my parents and some very smart co-inventors. My dad conceived the idea of using electromagnetic waves to find the depth of water under the ground. Today, my wife and I own the technology and help people locate water as the Well Water Finders.
Here’s why our invention is important: the average rural water well in Texas is about 400-feet deep. To drill down to that level, the average cost is about $12,000. However, if the driller hits a dry hole and there’s no water, they’ll have to try again in another spot. And perhaps again, continuing until they find water. This can get very expensive as you’ll pay for each attempt, even if they find no water at all.
With our patented technology, Well Water Finders can survey your land and pinpoint exactly where water is located to assist the driller in hitting it the first time.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Dad is the genius who invented the system but unfortunately, he lost his sight. So, mom and I have had to step up our game to make sure Dad’s goal of helping the world find clean drinking water is realized. In fact, almost every member of our family has had a role in moving his dream forward.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m a life-long creator and have 4 U.S. patents. I worked for almost 20 years in the telecom industry but creating is what I enjoy most! I graduated with degrees in engineering and finance and earned three patents utilizing my robotics expertise and one patent utilizing my design skills.
What matters most to you?
What matters most to me is my family. And I’m really proud that the Vandekop family may one day help communities all over the world find water. Water is the most important resource we as humans need to survive. While our company can’t make water appear out of thin air, we can let you know where it’s located under the ground.
- $400 for every acre surveyed plus a $500 pre-assessment fee.
- There are 2 steps to every Well Water Finders survey. We charge $500 for an on-site pre-assessment visit. This is where we walk the property with the client, making sure we understand their water needs, select which acres they would like evaluated and analyze water well records on neighboring properties.
- The second visit is when I bring our patented equipment to the site and begin the survey. It costs $400 for each acre surveyed. We give the client a report that indicates the depth and approximate thickness of any aquifers under that acre.
Contact Info:
- Email: andrew@wellwaterfinders.com
- Website: https://wellwaterfinders.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellwaterfinders/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WellWaterFinders
- Twitter: @wellwaterfinder
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU_z376UPvrvODthFUU3YDw
- Pinterest: https://www.
Image Credits:
Well Water Finders