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Check Out Kyle Kirby’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kyle Kirby. 

Hi Kyle, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Ever since I was a young kid, I had a heavy attraction to music. I was always very energetic and loved music that was played fast and heavy. I was always singing, and finding myself lost in the lyrics I heard from other bands. I found it crazy that I could relate to something so well, something that let me know I wasn’t alone. I’ve always been a very expressive person and I am unapologetic for being myself. It never felt real to me to try and fit myself in a mold of someone else’s reality. For me, music was the easiest way to release my inner feelings in a way that I felt would make the most sense when heard by others. I’ve always wanted to do what my favorite bands did for me. Which was make me feel understood and less alone in this world. I’ve always felt as if I was a natural-born leader, so that’s what led me to want to start my own band. I’ve been a musician for over 12 years now, and my journey has been full of ups and downs, but this is the one passion I’ve had that I refuse to give up under any circumstances. Music has been what I would say is my biggest talent. I’ve always been interested in almost every art form since I was young and always knew I was meant to be a creative type. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I’ve had many struggles and it has not been what I would consider a “smooth” road at all. It’s a very difficult one. I write my lyrics about the worst of times in my life, even if it’s very difficult to do so. Grief, addictions, heartbreaks, betrayals, or even things I believe in strongly can be hard to write. When I channel these inner emotions, it can be a difficult topic to revisit. Not to mention the many of times I’ve failed. I’ve lost bandmates, had multiple lineup changes, been in band after band for years on end trying to make the ends meet. I’ve had several defeating moments were giving up felt like an easy option. And oftentimes, it still feels that way. But thinking about not having this outlet, this coping mechanism seems like a dual, cold life to me. It’s just not in me to be quote on quote “normal”. The American dream “nine to five” live style isn’t one I see myself truly living, not being happy in. I have too much to say. And too many goals to achieve to bog myself down into what society deems “stable” or “successful”. I’ve had many doubters, people telling me I can’t do what I’m doing right now. And if I would have given in to these naysayers, I’m not sure where I’d be. I truly can’t imagine living life not being a creative. It’s just in my blood. So, I keep pushing forward no matter what the costs. No matter how many times I have to start over, I won’t stop until I make it. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a singer/songwriter. I’ve been doing vocals and playing guitar for over 12 years. Screaming is definitely my highest specialty when it comes to music. And that’s what I’m most known for amongst my friends and other people I know. The work I am most proud of would have to be my ep “My Only Safe Haven”. I spent a year writing those songs and they all hold a dear meaning to me. It reminds me that I able to break free from a previous, miserable life I had lived before. I went through loss, friendships, relationships, and addictions that really took a toll on my life and nearly ended it for good due to irresponsibility, that if I didn’t change, I may not be here today. I’m very open about my past even though it’s hard to talk about for me, I was able to put it all into these songs and show an extremely vulnerable side of myself that not many people have seen before. I’m proud of how far I’ve come not only as a musician but as a person as well. I think I have a passion that is rare to find or see. Even compared to other musicians. I’ve always maintained a positive mindset and set big goals for myself. Even when I played shows for 10 people, I still had the mindset that one day it would grow. I’ve met some people in my life who let things like that defeat them and let themselves be comfortable with giving up, but that’s just not in me. Never has been. My voice and lyrics are also very unique in my opinion, I don’t mean to drag but I’ve been told by many people I have a very distinct voice, and screams that are very clear and easy to understand which was a huge goal for me as an aspiring vocalist. I think my lyrics hit a deeper side as well, one that many people can relate to and find solace in. My goal is to have a meaningful message for people who felt like I did when I was discovering life and the hardships it brings. I think it’s a goal I’ve accomplished and will keep accomplishing as I go on. 

Are there any books, apps, podcasts, or blogs that help you do your best?
I constantly watched band interviews growing up. I think that really is what drives it for me. Hearing their story and why they share the same passion as me has always been super inspiring. 

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Image Credits
Daisy Jaelinne
Jarrett Aldof
Rodrigo Silva
Justice Dickson

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