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Community Highlights: Meet Cathryn Cepeda of Soul Sistas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cathryn Cepeda. 

Hi Cathryn, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
2 years ago, my sister, Stefani, and I started exploring new ways of healing. Having grown up with a strong faith, we recognize the importance of healing from within when life gets tough. Very early in our spiritual journey, we were guided towards crystal and Reiki energy healing. After diving into the spiritual community, we often felt intimidated, confused, and overwhelmed. We knew almost immediately there was a way to help not only ourselves but anyone that was looking to explore new and affordable ways of healing. Before we knew it, we were taking all kinds of spiritual courses, researching crystals, and buying any type of crystals we could get our little hands on. Simply put, it changed our lives in ways we never could’ve imagined and we knew we had to share that with the world. What started as making bracelets and crystal sets for ourselves, friends, and family grew into something so much more. Now, we take great pride in educating others, offering a wide array of metaphysical products, and providing energy healing services.


Reiki Master
Certified Intuitive Healer
Angelic Healer
Certified Crystal Healer
EFT Healer
Ordained Minister

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It was tough balancing healing ourselves and navigating how to help others heal. It was process of combing what worked for us during our healing and asking ourselves, “how can we make it easier for others?”. Learning how to manage our spiritual gifts was very difficult, maybe even the most difficult. We had to learn how to manage all of the energy we could now feel and how to turn our psychic abilities on and off. Imagine going into a crowded room and feeling what everyone else is feeling and hearing what everyone else is thinking. We had to constantly reassure ourselves we weren’t crazy. Now, throw building a business on top of all of that. 

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Soul Sistas?
Soul Sistas is a one-stop spiritual shop. We sell Reiki and Archangel healing-infused products with specific set intentions. We also provide in-person and distance Reiki for people and animals. Our Reiki has a wider scope of healing and clearly outlined intentions so you know exactly what’s being worked on during your session. We use our psychic gifts to intuitively send Reiki healing energy where it will be most beneficial to you. We also psychically receive information during Reiki sessions that will assist you on your healing journey. Rapid Reiki is definitely something we specialize in. 

We also make using crystals easy! Sometimes you don’t know what type of crystal you need or have the time to research crystals. Our intention cards take the guesswork out of it. Our unique and divinely guided intentions empower you by making it possible for you to pick what you specifically want to heal. We want to bring awareness to the benefits of energy healing, and make it affordable and convenient for everyone. 

We pour our heart and soul into everything we do. Love is the core of Soul Sistas. 

Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
Our family has provided so much, love, encouragement, and support from day one. We also owe so much to our mentor Danielle Ingenito. Danielle has taught us a lot about energy healing and helped us heal. We want to give a special shout-out to our Divine Team (God, Spirit Guides, Archangels, and ancestors). Our Divine Team has protected, healed, and guided us every step of the way. 


  • All bracelets are $25.00 each
  • Distance Reiki is $44.00 per session
  • In-Person Reiki is $55.00 per session
  • Pet Distance Reiki is $44 per session
  • 10:10 Distance Reiki is $10 per session

Contact Info:


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