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Community Highlights: Meet Lora Brandt of The Yoga Casa

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lora Brandt.  

Hi Lora, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
My story is simple. I don’t fit! 

I don’t fit into the long, lean yoga pants, the cute strappy yoga bras, or typical yoga classes where everyone is tall, thin and can put their foot behind their head. I always felt out of place in yoga studios which was really sad because I LOVE yoga. And yoga helped me feel more at home in my body, even if that body was out of place in most studios. 

I was fine with being the odd duck, but I wondered about other people. Then I read the statistics that said people don’t go to yoga because they are embarrassed, they don’t know what to wear or they find the studio intimidating. Ugh! I was heartbroken… and motivated. 

I opened The Yoga Casa, which I believe is the first (and only) truly body-positive yoga studio in the DFW area. At The Yoga Casa, you are accepted for who you are, in the body you are in. 

What is The Yoga Casa like? Think riots not diets, body positivity over body shame, love over hate, as well as radical acceptance and community where all people are treated with dignity and respect. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Opening a business always has its challenges, and I have seen them ALL. Construction, road closures, plumbing issues, terrible landlords, and MORE CONSTRUCTION. Did I mention a global pandemic? Oops, almost forgot that one. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about The Yoga Casa?
Sometimes I wish I hadn’t named the business what I did because we do so much more than just yoga. In fact, yoga is only a part of what we do. We teach movement classes that help with your everyday activities. We incorporate functional movement that will help relieve your aches and pains. We include breathing techniques to help you learn to calm your body and mind. We instill the idea of love and acceptance of your body in our classes by never pushing you too far and allowing time for rest. Our classes are truly unique. My past careers as a social worker and massage therapist have informed my teaching. I teach in a way that is inclusive, informed, nurturing yet challenging, and (above all else) body positive! 

Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
We love Collleyville because so many people in the community really care about small business. The mid-cities is a great area because you are so close to everything. Fort Worth is just a short drive and there is a ton of yoga happening there. Dallas isn’t too bad of a drive either, and their yoga community is fierce! 

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Image Credits

Sergio Santos

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