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Conversations with the Inspiring Mandy Skaggs

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mandy Skaggs.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Mandy. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My story begins back when my youngest son was diagnosed with autism, right before his 4th birthday. I still remember the raw days that lead up to his diagnosis… but I also remember knowing immediately God was placing me on a very purposeful journey. A journey that was beyond me. That my life would encounter specific people and grow me in ways that only a special needs life could bring. Life raising a child with special needs is not for the faint of heart but always has a purpose. The social aspect of an autism diagnosis is something that has always tugged at my momma’s heart. Not always able to participate in “typical” social settings, living life in public places, not given the chance to make memories like everyone else, the meltdowns, the judgment, and never having your child invited over to friends’ homes… longing for just one person to embrace my boy and for life to feel “normal.”

Fast forward to two years ago, when my son was now 16, and the day to give back to others finally came. It was at this time I began the process of starting a non-profit for families facing autism and providing social outings, in a safe and loving environment. It never mattered if the families and their children could stay for 10 minutes or the whole hour. In the end, what was most important was that they tried and they were welcomed with support and unconditional love. That they could sense the HOPE of belonging. So, for the last two years, we have been meeting in public places and enjoying “typical” life together.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Raising a child with special needs is full of challenges, but the sweetest victories you can’t put a price tag on. As far as starting a non-profit, I have learned a lot and would say the biggest obstacle has been creating activities without having an actual home/facility to call our own. It has been important to me to get things started for these precious families and grow, not getting ahead of myself in vision and the future. I am hopeful that we can soon raise the funds necessary to purchase a home or even better, have one donated. The need for social activities and building a community of HOPE, support and memories have an endless impact on these precious lives.

So, to all the women out there who are searching for life purpose, let me encourage you in this; God has set us all on specific journeys with a specific purpose. No two paths look the same. Challenges can turn into confidence, devastation into drive, and pain into purpose. Dig in… reflect on your journey and pursue the joys you find along the way.

Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I organize and set up social activities for the kids and their families, along with providing sensory haircuts every other month. Our activities have included bowling, music therapy, urban air, swim party… to name a few. Holiday activities can be difficult as these times are typically crowded and very overstimulating. One of my favorite activities was pictures with Santa. As I watched the teenagers sit with Santa for the first time my heart filled with love, but as I watched them encourage the younger children to take their time my heart filled with pride for the supportive environment these families could create. This summer we are undertaking the task of creating a buddy program to enable children, teens, and adults with autism to come together in more singular relationships to encourage growth and a lifelong bond.

My heart is so full every time we have an activity. Watching my dream of wanting to give back and start a non-profit become a reality. I am grateful for my selfless board members that meet once a month to ensure finances remain balanced, table current activities, and discuss the next stage of growth. The thing I am most proud of is being able to provide these activities at no cost for the families, as an autism diagnosis comes with a high financial cost for schooling, therapies, and services.

Who do you look up to? How have they inspired you?
I have been blessed with some amazing men and women over the years, to name just a few would be difficult. Let me speak to what has inspired me and moved me the most from the friends who have crossed my path. Women who have been authentic in their words and actions. Authenticity is not the normal these days and having these women in my life has inspired me to be a driven visionary, accept the strengths I have in the vision while challenging me to own my weakness and areas of growth. Men who have supported me without expectations. Powerfully present, cheering me on. The beautiful gift of not having to have the same dream but believing in the dreamer. People empowering people to pursue their dreams and the journey God has given them. Oh, the endless possibilities.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Taryn Bolt, Mandy Skaggs, Shanna Gartman

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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