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Conversations with Taegan Lovelace

Today we’d like to introduce you to Taegan Lovelace.

Hi Taegan, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Hi, there Voyage! Happy to be here! I am Taegan Lovelace, or @LoveTaegan, as known on social media. I am a designer, artist, model/content creator. My journey began at a very young age; I was an introverted little girl with a lot of hair that would spend hours alone drawing floor plans and moved on to designing homes and buildings with The Sims software. My parents quickly knew that I’d more than likely become a designer. However, even when I began high school, I was still extremely shy. So to pull me out of my shell, they enrolled me in modeling classes in 11th grade. What was meant to help improve my confidence and social skills ended up turning into many paid modeling opportunities, including magazine covers/features, national commercials, content creation on social media, and more. But this is only where the story begins with me. I went on to earn a degree from the University of Arkansas, Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design, and I currently work as a Senior Designer for one of the top 5 architecture firms in the U.S. I quickly learned the power of networking during my college years in Northwest Arkansas. This was where I landed my first architecture role. Working in corporate roles for the past five years has been truly amazing, but creative artistry is therapeutic. So, launching Love Taegan, my design/art business, was a no-brainer.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I wouldn’t say it’s been a smooth road, but at the same time, I know that I’ve been extremely blessed. They say that Northwest Arkansas is a relationship-based community; if you want something, you’d better get yourself out of your comfort zone and start shaking hands and kissing babies. Your name, work within the community, and the relationships you’ve built go a long way. So, I leveraged my opportunities, and through networking, I landed an internship with a local architecture firm during the Christmas break prior to my college graduation. I quickly impressed the owner with my design skills and expertise in many software programs. He offered me full-time work to begin the following my graduation but gave me a few projects to work on after the internship ended that I completed in between my coursework. Like my college classmates, I was eager to leave our small bubble in NWA to start my grand life in the world, but I chose to accept the job offered to me so that I could gain experience. Initially, I was excited; after all, this was my first professional role. But I quickly found myself transitioning from all-nighter projects in college to working on professional projects all night long, just to have it “red lined” by senior designers the very next day. Additionally, I was one of two women in the office and the only woman/person of color. I was fresh out of college with no industry experience/practical application, and my ego was quickly bruised with no mercy by my experienced colleagues who were 20 to 30 years my senior. I endured workplace politics and multiple failures, which had me constantly questioning whether I had made the right career decision or not. But I was determined not to fail, and I loved design, so I leveraged my networks once again and got a personal (male) mentor who helped me navigate the muddy waters and taught me how to adjust in my environment. This was the best decision ever, as this invaluable tutelage completely turned my work dynamic around. Although the firm began to downsize two years later, and my job was one of the first to be eliminated, the skills and discipline I gained in this role are what has gotten me to where I am today in my professional and entrepreneurial journey.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
I would say that I align with Professional as well as Creative. As a Senior Designer, I am responsible for project management for major Clients. I make design decisions, create construction documents, lead Client meetings, assign tasks, and go on-site visits. My markets are commercial, hospitality, residential, and retail design. What I’m most proud of is my journey to get to where I am. I feel I am a valued and respected member of my team. I believe mediocrity is a choice, but it’s not my choice. I strive to put my best self into everything that I do and wake up with an attitude of expectancy of winning the day. It’s not always easy, and I don’t always succeed, but I keep hearing my mother’s voice in the background saying, “If you want more, you have to do more, Taegan” and to “Fail Fast, Fail Forward Taegan,” meaning, if something doesn’t go as planned, do a quick assessment of what went awry and why. Then, quickly dust yourself off and make the necessary course corrections that move you forward. “Don’t dwell in failure for too long.” Like others, I don’t want to fail, but have learned to appreciate the lessons learned from my experiences (a.k.a growth). So, I’d have to say that I’m proudest of my courage to step out on faith, my resiliency when things get tough, and my ability to bounce back from professional and personal hurdles that have surfaced on my journey. I’m actively working in all my passions (I definitely consider myself multi-faceted as far as my careers), and I’m continuously blooming where I’m planted (which is always the goal)! As a natural hair and lifestyle content creator, it’s my goal to create content and inspire others to embrace their natural hair – because it definitely took me a while, and also where they are in their own journey. Everyone starts from somewhere. (…AND YES, I wear my fro and any other of my cultural styles loud and proud to the corporate office, always have and always will). I have never been one to dim my light or anyone else’s and I never will. I look at my style as an art, it is a way for me to express and showcase who I am; your attire and appearance speaks well before you do.

What do you like best about our city? What do you like least?
I was born in Dallas and spent the early part of my secondary education here. I lived away in other states for some years, including Colorado and Arkansas, and am now back to where it all started. What I love most about Dallas is its refusal to stay complacent. What I mean by this is that if you blink too many times, Dallas will have gotten bigger and better. It’s exciting to see the growth with its diverse population, experience the amazing food, shops, shows, and events. Dallas is a place of opportunities. If I had to put my finger on one thing that I dislike about our city, it would be…. hmmm, let me think about it… hey, I know… it’s the TRAFFIC!!! But that’s to be expected; I mean, who doesn’t want to be in our great city?

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