Today we’d like to introduce you to Chrissy Whitten.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
In 2010, my journey with my first daughter being born, living one hundred and three days and dying lead me to writing my first book of four to help others and let them know they are not alone. I wrote journal entries in CaringBridge to keep people posted, but it turned into daily devotional. God definitely had a plan for my life.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
No, it has been harder than I could have imagined. Not only do I walk in my grief, but I get to raise two other children and balance all that life throws at me. I’ve gone through a wild journey in my health.
I went through ten years (1996 – 2006) of terrible pain, horrible food allergies, and frustrations until doctors finally found that my gallbladder had leaked into my body for seven to eight of those years. I have a crazy story on my appendix, where it leaked and I drove myself to the emergency room. I had an awful miscarriage in 2009 that lead me to running tons of miles for therapy.
During my journey with Lilian Grace, my first daughter, I had three surgeries that year alone. I had a brain tumor in my pineal gland post-Lilian and my second daughter being born. She was two when I had a 1% chance of living if I didn’t have surgery and 10% chance if I did.
I ended up getting pregnant with our third daughter four months post-brain surgery. It’s been a ride. Now, I am facing being allergic to forty-five plus foods and dealing with abdominal pain. I have been on a two-year journey with it trying to find out what’s wrong.
I couldn’t make it up if I tried. I always say that God loves me and the devil hates me. What the devil does to harm me, God turns it into good.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’ve been lucky to work with amazing programs: Cushing Youth Center, Stillwater Family YMCA, OSU Extension – Tulsa County, and Calm Waters. I have over thirty years experience working with youth and teaching them life skills.
My current role as a facilitator with Calm Waters for grief student support groups in schools in Blanchard, Bridge Creek, Moore, Mustang, Newcastle, Tuttle, and Yukon and virtually throughout the state of Oklahoma has been one of my most rewarding roles using my own grief to support others.
I teach local fitness classes—barre, Pilates, PiYo, kickboxing, yoga, and a fitness mix at Steppin Out Dance Studio. I used to have my own fitness studio after Lilian passed away. It was hard but worth it all. I love helping others reach their health goals.
I volunteer with our Wednesday night Kids Faith Factory at Tuttle Christian Church. No matter what church I’ve been a part of, I love working with our kids. I know I was super blessed with mentors who helped prepare me for some of the hardest battles life can throw. I would not be standing right now without hundreds of people who God provided.
Writing my first book was emotional and tearful for many years. It took me almost 11 years post-Lilian’s death to finally publish it. I’m currently working on book two and discovering there is a lot of anger and resentment that ranges from people and life.
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
Buy and read my book. I’ve heard from many readers that I bring you onto the battlefield with me. You get to see God woven in my story and know that you are never alone.
Other ways:
Talk to me about coming to speak at your next event, conference, or meeting. I am a motivational speaker for almost any group or organization. My book is like a devotional, but keys can be pulled out to work with everyday life. I even got to speak to the Oklahoma City Writers Group using my book and inspiring them to write outside the pages.
I can collaborate with blog entries, magazine articles, book collections, and more. I wrote an article for the Heart Community Collection for their CHD Magazine in February 2022.
Last, but not least, share my book, website, or anything about my journey that can reach others. My goal in moving through it all is that Jesus left the ninety-nine for the one. If one more person gets to be inspired and moved to a better place, I have done my job.
- eBook – $9.99
- Black & White Copy – $17.99
- Collector’s Edition (Full Color) – $39.99
Contact Info:
- Email: chrissylwhitten@gmail.com
- Website: https://chrissylwhitten.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrissylwhitten/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chrissylwhitten
- Other: https://www.theheartcommunitycollection.com/chrishttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/3/?ogbl#search/chrissylwhitten%40gmail.com/QgrcJHrtwMDPTcmgCPgPqhxjKtsnfSMDMmQsy-l-whitten
Image Credits
Kelli Marone
NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer