Today we’d like to introduce you to Monique Hollins.
Hi Monique, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
How did I get here? God! My story begins in a small town, raised by the village of my grandparents, mother, uncles, and cousins. Every family member played a role in my life and/or taught me something that I hold dear to today. Growing up I always knew I was created for more and belonged to royalty. I remember as young as six years old thinking I was born into the wrong family and writing play checks for millions of dollars. Now I know that those thoughts were given to me by God because indeed we all belong to royalty and his riches and glory is our portion.
Fast forward to sixteen years old I am pregnant, I am judged by the church, friends, family, teachers, and people I didn’t even know would look at me or whisper about me, being that I was so young with this child. After giving birth to my son, Curtis, I went down a rabbit hole of partying, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and rebellion against my internal morals God had given me early on. I started journaling in 2008, in one entry I would include the previous night’s rendezvous with a man, how I felt on ecstasy, and the next entry I would be saying, “I am only doing these things because I am young, this is not who I am, God help me to mature”. This lasted from the ages of 16-26. At 27, I gave birth to my son, Vincent. There’s a great difference in maturity when your children are now ten years apart. Vincent definitely got a wiser, more patient, and present mom.
At the same time depression, confusion about religion, lack of self-worth, and self-value were all very real mental and spiritual battles I was left with after living in rebellion for many years. I would experience these breakdowns where I would cry for days in the house, on my knees, pleading with God to send a woman into my life who could hold my hand, teach me wisdom, listen to me, and understand without judgment. He never did and I began to resent God and grow angry with him because I wanted to be free from this internal pain and mental torment. I despised that he was the only one I had to talk to for all those years, I wanted a human lol! I told him one day, that when he brought me out of those darkest times of my life that I would be who I needed to other women.
September 2020, God called me to a 21-day no food, no social media, no cellphone, water only. fast. This fast changed my life, my mindset, and my heart. The anger, resentment, the witchcraft I was deceived into practicing from 2013-2020 seeking logical answers and logical truths about life and religion were all laid before me, and I had a choice to continue in this way or follow the way of Jesus. Needless to say, I chose Jesus! I was healed mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, I experienced deliverance from bitterness, unforgiveness of myself and others, and I’ve experienced miracles, signs, and wonders in real-time. Jesus revealed who I am in his eyes, how much he truly loved me, in every way that he has been with me throughout my rebellious years, all the ways he protected me and provided for me. The saying, “Jesus will leave the 99 for the 1”, is the story of my life. Since then, I have made do on my promise to God, that when I become the woman, I needed I would go back for the others.
This promise birthed Purpose to Promise Mentorship, in which I help women gain clarity of their purpose, and walk boldly in their authenticity while victoriously becoming the woman God called them to be. Throughout the years, my main source of income came from entrepreneurship, I have over 10 years experience in real estate and property management and direct sales. In each business, I wore every hat, the hat of the branding team, marketing team, content creation team, and much more. Growing up in the church systems many believers think that serving God means you have to stay broke busted and disgusted, and this is absolutely a lie from the pits of hell. With God revealing the truth of seeking him first and his righteousness and all things being added unto you Matthew 6:33, Kingdom Bosses University was birthed and will be launching April 2022. KBU will be the mecca of business, branding, and building bolder believers to thrive in entrepreneurship on and offline.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely wasn’t a smooth road. I endured many challenges on this journey to who I am and who I am becoming. There were two main struggles I had that I believe kept me from progressing and overcoming sooner.
The first struggle I had was fear and we can break fear down into main sub-challenges. I struggled with the fear of the opinions of others and the fear of change. What people thought about me, and change crippled me from tapping into my greatest potential for many years.
And then there was unforgiveness. Just like fear, we can break unforgiveness down into two sub-challenges. I had a hard time forgiving myself and forgiving other people. Alot of times we can say out of our mouths, I forgive you, either to ourselves or someone else but if we are still holding on to ill feelings or memories or when we see that person or that person makes another offense that digs up old feelings, we harbored in unforgiveness, then we have to truly ask ourselves, “have I truly forgiven this person?” I overcame these two major struggles by renewing my mind and thoughts with God’s truth and not lies.
1 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Holding on the God’s truth has helped me to reject the lies of the enemy. Anytime that fear tries to creep into my thoughts, yes, I acknowledge that it is there, but I open my mouth and remind it that it is not mine, declaring what it- power, love, and a sound mind.
Forgiveness has been my superpower. I once wrote down every offense I made against myself every negative word I spoke, every way I dishonored my body, every person I felt offended by, every way I offended someone else, I sat down wrote it all out, and cut each offense out and burned it. You talk about free; forgiveness is the true freedom.
All of this didn’t happen overnight it took months of deep inner healing, revelation, prayer, and intimate time with God and in His word to experience this kind of freedom.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I serve. In a nutshell that is what I do and that is what I specialize in. I serve others with my divine natural abilities in which I like to call, DNA. Naturally, I’ve always been the person that others came to for advice about life, relationships, real estate, business, and many other topics. Everything I’ve learned and healed from I packaged it, purposed it, and turned it into a profit.
In 2021 I self-published a book called, “Girl Get Out of the Bed.” I also founded the Purpose to Promise Mentorship Program for women. This is a three-week program that focuses on purpose, confidence, value, and worth. I’ve had women sign up from South Africa to Oklahoma and many testimonies.
I will be launching the Kingdom Bosses University, in April 2022 which will cater to business owners, entrepreneurs, content creators, and independent contractors assisting them with bringing their vision to life and doing just as I did, package and purpose my divine natural abilities to serve others.
I believe the more you help others get what they need and want the more you get what you want. And no, not from a place of manipulation, it’s a domino effect by default. God has given us all a gift to use here on Earth to serve and help others.
I am most proud of the lives I have impacted and inspired along the way. The testimonies that people share with me about the prophetic words I’ve given coming to pass, the impact I’ve made in their lives by reading my book, the motivation they received by just visiting my Instagram page. All of this is what I am most proud of.
My heart, the purity of my heart sets me apart from others in business. Everything isn’t about money, yet I will send that invoice don’t get me wrong but there’s a lot I’ve done for others at no charge. Those are times when God will place it on my heart to do so and I am obedient. Also, seeing others win genuinely in life and love, I believe and know for a fact that there is more than enough for all of us to win in every area of our lives. My focus is helping as many people as possible not make the same mistakes I did, not delay their progress, not tap into their greatest potential, not feed their minds with lies and conform to the things of this world but to boldly stand in their authenticity, their truth and progress past their current situation even if that means progressing pass me.
I am known for all of this as well as my over-the-top personality, sense of humor, and being down to Earth with a Mars brain!
Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
My advice for those starting out in any industry is to believe in yourself and stop trying to make it perfect. You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to become great. Everything that you need is a seed that God has already placed on the inside of you. Nothing outside you is needed for what God created you to do. If you take the first step, where you are with what you have, God will honor that as faith and take the next step for you. I’ve witnessed this in my own life. Once I broke free from the lies of fear, doubt, and unbelief God multiplied every step, even when it didn’t make sense, there was multiplication. There were times I didn’t even feel qualified to do what God called me to do and he’d remind me with increases, additions, and multiplication in my business which increased my faith and confidence to get it done and continue to press forward.
Be okay with seasons changing. As you continue to bet on yourself, you change, your conversations change because the things you think about change, your focus changes and again change is uncomfortable. Not only is it uncomfortable for us at times it can be very uncomfortable for the people around you who are not ready or at the point in their life of change. As they watch you change it reminds them of the things they need or should change, and it can frustrate them.
As you grow and pivot and change and evolve be mindful of who is still around you and what they are around for. Always take inventory of who is in your circle or has access to you and communicate and process where they are, if it’s worth it.
Otherwise cut off dead weight and keep moving, sometimes everybody can’t go, and they are not meant to go. It’s not personal, when you are doing God’s business, it’s Kingdom!
Contact Info:
- Email: monique@thegracedsteward.com
- Website: https://www.moniquehollins.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammoniquehollins/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGracedSteward
Image Credits
Kaelon Luke Walker