Today we’d like to introduce you to Shreya Jain.
Shreya, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Having grown up around the world, my parents have culturally diverse backgrounds. My mother lived mostly in the United Arab Emirates before moving to Canada to complete her education, and my father lived mostly in England before moving to Scotland to complete his education. As they often were surrounded by individuals unlike them, I followed suit, appreciating cultural differences and adopting values I admired in others from an early age.
My curiosity about other ways of thinking led me to develop an interest in global health. However, in an introductory global health course at Rice University, I learned that by not involving those they are trying to serve, global health work can fall short. Thus, I applied for and completed the Loewenstern Fellowship during the summer of 2022 as it provides a platform to engage in ethical international service.
My 8-week project was to help The Pangea Network—a non-profit organization—improve Kenyan adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health knowledge and skills through a program called Tubonge Uwazi an Dada Initiative (TUDAI). This program includes sessions led by peer educators who engage adolescent girls in interactive lessons regarding making plans to achieve their personal goals, how HIV and sexually transmitted infections are transmitted, etc.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Before departing for Kenya, I did have some concerns about overcoming cultural barriers as I hoped to form long-term professional relationships with my supervisors in Kenya. Additionally, I was worried that I would not be useful on this project, having little experience in international development work. Yet, these concerns gradually dissipated once I arrived in Kenya.
I found it easier than I had expected to connect with my hosts, who seemed as much interested in my values as I was in theirs. Being openly interested in each other’s backgrounds and seeking to broaden our viewpoints allowed my hosts and me to feel increasingly comfortable with one another. One of my hosts and I even began reflecting together on finding our sense of mission in the world.
When it came to monitoring and evaluating the TUDAI program, The Pangea Network provided me and my teammate (another Loewenstern Fellow) with multiple resources and constant feedback from their leadership team. Each member of The Pangea Network staff ensured I felt comfortable asking questions and working on this project.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a fourth-year undergraduate student at Rice University, working towards a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Cognitive Sciences and a minor in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and hoping to become a physician.
At Rice, I am involved in several clubs and organizations, including serving as the Co-President of the American Medical Women’s Association Rice University Branch (AMWA) and the Director of Special Projects for 4Words (an organization at Rice University that engages with Houston residents seeking to learn English through English Second Language (ESL) tutor sessions and resource development).
Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory involves a trip my family and I took to Yellowstone National Park when I was 10 years old. Each moment of this trip opened my eyes to the beauty of our planet. As we entered the park, we saw a giant black bear crossing the pathway, checking to make sure there were no immediate dangers before leading the baby cubs across the road.
I recall hiking a trail with my family, star-struck by the expanse of nature surrounding me, when it suddenly began to rain, causing us to rush for cover. After reading up on geysers, it was incredible to see Old Faithful and the vibrant colors of the hot springs. Memories from this incredible experience continue to motivate me to act in environmentally-friendly ways.
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Image Credits
Ryan Ombajo and Abhishek Jain