Today we’d like to introduce you to Amani Sodiq-Odunaiya.
Hi Amani, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
I picked up my first camera in 2016. It was a small, touristy camera that my uncle had given me as a gift. He knew I had an interest in film and photography and wanted me to pick it up as a hobby. I immediately fell in love with the camera and took it with me everywhere – on my walks to my high school, during debate competitions, and on outings with my family. I took photos of everything that I thought was interesting, including plants, animals, and buildings.
When I started college in 2017, my dad gifted me with another camera, a Canon Rebel T6i. Although I was really excited about the upgrade, I still felt sad about leaving my old camera behind. However, it felt like I was reaching the next level in my photography, and I knew I had to expand my horizons. While in college, I started taking photos of people. I would walk up to random people and ask if they would model for me (almost everyone said yes for some reason). Once I felt comfortable photographing people, I decided I wanted to try my hand at taking senior portraits. Whenever I was at club events, I would talk about my photography to get people to recognize me as “the girl with a camera,” and it worked. People reached out to me to take their senior portraits, and they loved the final shots. The positive feedback I got from my friends and peers was just the push I needed to start my photography business, Incendi Media.
When my business first started out, I worked in many niches. I took senior portraits, headshots, engagements, events, lifestyle, and weddings – basically, I said yes to every opportunity I could get. While working in different niches and with a variety of people, I learned how to use my camera to get the best shots in any situation and how to make any person feel confident in front of a camera.
Now, 6 years after I started my business, I’ve narrowed down my niches to what I enjoy the most – branding photography, senior portraits, and headshots. These are the niches that I have so much fun with, and that fill my heart with joy. I get to do what I love for a living, and I feel so lucky to have that privilege. Over the last 6 years, I have grown quite a lot as a photographer and a business owner thanks to my mentors, my support system, and the amazing creative community that thrives in Dallas. My camera has given me opportunities that I never thought were possible and has allowed me to connect with some of the most inspiring individuals. I’m excited to see how my business and I continue to grow over the next couple of years, and I’m looking forward to sharing my journey with others to let them know that they can do it as well.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I am extremely lucky and privileged to say this, but honestly, I feel like it has been quite a smooth road for me and my photography business. I have always had a strong sense of what I want to do with my life, and my drive has pushed me to create my own opportunities and connections. I have also deliberately surrounded myself with a community that has always been very supportive of my endeavors (there’s no room for negativity in my life).
None of the challenges I’ve faced along my journey have felt like struggles. Instead, they feel like puzzles I have had to solve. I love what I do, and I love the future I’m building for myself, so nothing about this journey of mine has been a struggle. In my experience, when you are following the path that is true to your heart and purpose, there will be little resistance from the world.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Incendi Media provides professional photography and videography services to individuals and businesses in the greater North Texas area and beyond. I specialize in headshots, senior portraits, and branding photography for personal and commercial brands.
In my business, I prioritize my client’s experience, and that’s what sets me apart from other photographers in the area. Whether I’m working with a high school senior or a local business, I take my time to get to know my clients and their needs. I learn about their personality, style, and vision for their shoot, and I figure out how to help them capture images and videos that are unique to them and that bring their vision to life.
What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
If you want to succeed in a particular thing in life, you need to find the people who are already excelling in that area and build a relationship with them. I have surrounded myself with successful photographers who have been in the game much longer than I have and I have learned so much from them (they’ve also become great friends of mine). Knowledge is one of the integral keys to success, and you can only gain knowledge from people who have had experiences that you haven’t had yet. I’m so grateful for the amazing photographers that I have met so far and how they have welcomed me with open arms. I hope that one day I can do the same for other young photographers.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.incendiphotography.com/
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/queen_incendi
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amanisodiqo
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amani-s-b69337180/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/queen_incendi
- Other: www.amanisodiq.com
Image Credits
Incendi Media