Today we’d like to introduce you to Mallory Jones.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Growing up, we didn’t travel a lot as a family, but my parents did their best to expose me and my brothers to as many experiences and cultures as humanly possible. My mother grew up very sheltered, so she insisted that we were always in environments where we would learn, grow and evolve. For my early years of school (PreK – 2nd) I went to private schools. I was surrounded by people who didn’t look like me and who weren’t exactly in the same tax bracket as I was, however, I was taught at that early age that I belonged just as much as the next person. Something about those young experiences stuck with me throughout my life. To this day there isn’t a room that I am uncomfortable in or a person that I can’t carry a conversation with. I have always been intrigued by people, culture, and behaviors which is probably why I pursued a degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice at Texas Christian University.
While at TCU, I was given the opportunity to take a trip to Johannesburg, South Africa, and Mbabane, Swaziland. This was by far the furthest and most adventurous trip I had ever taken. We visited schools where we played with kids and passed out candy. We spent time in villages and were welcomed with traditional dances. We dined with dignitaries, visited palaces, but the highlight of my trip was the safari. I have been on many trips, but there hasn’t been anything like this experience. Seeing animals in their natural habitat, almost close enough to touch is mesmerizing. This was the trip that changed everything for me. I knew that I was destined to see the world and bring as many people along with me.
After graduating from TCU, I wasn’t sure where I was headed initially, but I knew I needed the freedom and flexibility to travel. I became an Executive Team Leader of Assets Protection for Target. I spent seven years focused on theft, fraud, safety, and security, but my favorite part of the job were the investigations. I am a naturally curious person, and I like to get to the root causes of people’s actions. I was great at my job. I switched stores, trained, and corrected processes throughout the district but due to some restructuring, the position I was aspiring towards moved to headquarters in Minnesota. Moving to Minnesota was not an option for me, so I began asking myself, “what’s next?” I continued to perform my job with excellence, but my heart was not in it. As a woman of faith, I began to pray and seek guidance. One day in prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me it was time to go. Seeing as I did not have another job lined up, I did not understand those instructions.
Months later, I finally decided to obey by taking a leap of faith and leaving Target without another job on the horizon. I took that time to travel, to quiet my mind, wait and listen for instructions. One summer evening, I had dinner with some former coworkers, and one of them simply asked me, “what is it that you like to do?” The two words that came to mind were travel and investigate. After sharing this with my former co-workers, one said that I should become a travel agent. At the time, I had a rudimentary understanding of what travel agents did so I questioned it. My former co-worker set up a meeting for me and her travel agent. After talking with the travel agent and watching her handle a travel crisis in the moment, I knew this was for me. I didn’t want to just be an order taker. I had worked in customer service my whole life, and I enjoyed building a rapport and helping people reach their goals. The agency owner who I’d met was not in a position to train a new agent, so she introduced me to three other agency owners that were looking for new agents. After meeting with all three, it was the third person, Yolanda Meador, that sealed the deal for me. It was like we were kindred spirits. Yolanda is an incredible mentor and has helped me grow leaps and bounds over the last five years I have been with You Deserve It! Vacations (YDIV).
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Becoming an entrepreneur and being your own boss is challenging. It isn’t for the faint of heart. In the beginning, I quickly came to the realization that I was not going to become rich overnight, and I was about to work more hours than I ever did at Target. I studied various destinations, hotel brands, and airline policies. I learned how to operate new systems and the art of marketing. Learning about all the different sectors of travel was fun and exciting but putting myself out there as a travel advisor was the most uncomfortable part. I am, what some would call, an extroverted introvert. I thrive in one-on-one interactions which is how I build strong relationships with my clients, but broadcasting to the world who I am is terrifying. Nevertheless, the greatest lesson I learned over the past five years is to just do it – even when I am afraid.
As you know, we’re big fans of You Deserve It! Vacations. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about the brand?
My company is You Deserve It! Vacations. We are a Black Female-owned luxury travel agency that specializes in bucket list, once-in-a-lifetime vacations. We believe that not only does everyone need a vacation, everyone deserves to go on vacation, and the magic happens when you leave your comfort zone behind to explore a new destination. Because our clients have an expert handling all the details of their getaway, all they have to do is show up and enjoy themselves. For over 20 years, YDIV has been making it easy to take your dream vacation. Whether you’re planning an epic proposal, traveling solo, going on a romantic honeymoon, celebrating an anniversary, taking a girls’ trip, or packing up the family for a memorable adventure, we are here to make it easy. All you have to do is dream, pack, and leave the rest to us!
What’s next?
Despite what the last couple of years have looked like, the future of the travel industry is bright. I plan to continue to evolve and grow as an advisor so that I can best serve my clients. We are building our team so that YDIV can service every traveler that is ready to experience a world outside their own. We are a boutique agency and want to stay that way, but growth is inevitable with the right team. Yolanda, YDIV agency owner, plans to retire in the next few years, so we are taking steps now for me to take the lead. Not only am I growing and continuing to educate myself for my clients, but I am learning what it takes to be a business owner and how to handle all the things behind the scenes. I constantly thank her for trusting me with the vision for YDIV, mentoring me, and helping me to grow into the travel expert I am becoming. Again I say the future is bright for travel. Don’t move in fear. Live the life you deserve!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.YDIV.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mallorysmoves/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mallory.jones.169
Image Credits
JNM Creative Agency