Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashton Whitney Robertson.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Ashton. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My story starts in several wild, but quiet moments… on a rooftop in Haiti, a lunch date in Mississippi, a rented desk in Dublin, and a post-grad class in Scotland. My experience is eclectic in a way I could never have planned, and all of it worked together perfectly to create my skillset today and Brazen Story Co.
Here’s the important part—I’ve been where many entrepreneurs are, stumbling over answering the question, “So, what do you do?” and still searching for one template to salve all leaky sales funnels.
At LSU, I studied creative writing, then worked around the world in online marketing before getting a master’s degree in strategic communication in Scotland. Along the way, I learned to create words that have heart and get results—and I love writing for small business owners, the people with big dreams and big truths to share.
You can find balance between creative storytelling and purpose-driven communication—and when you do, you can create a message that builds your community and starts a movement.
From freelancing, consulting, and connecting with people across the country, I traveled full time and landed here: physically in Plano, where I fell in love, and strategically at the crossroads of communication strategy, positioning, and copywriting, where I craft brand stories for purpose-driven businesses.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I spent a long-time freelancing on the side while working a full-time job as a communications strategist. My biggest mistake was failing to connect with people. I thought if I just built the right funnel, created the right content, ran the right ads, I’d start building a business worth diving into the deep end with.
That’s not how it works. No matter how good we get at internet marketing, relationships and connecting are still the key. Today, I help people create authentic brand messages that support those relationships—and make sharing easier—but I never lose sight (or let my clients lose sight) of the real goal: connecting with real people.
My advice for young women starting out is this: find a trusted group. Mine is scattered across the country, and many of them I’ve never met in real life. But there’s a core group I know I can go to for advice when I need it, or just a sympathetic ear when I need that. Nothing can replace a few trusted friends when you’ve had a bad business week, everyone is giving you bad advice, and you’re on the verge of quitting.
Without those friends, I would have taken on bad clients, listened to men who thought I wasn’t worth my rates and second-guessed many decisions that were right in the long run. I never would have started charging enough to cover my expenses.
When you’re starting out, you don’t need a complicated system. You don’t need a ton of ads. You need an offer, a network you trust, and a little bit of grit. It’s going to take time, but you’re going to be fine.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with Brazen Story Co. – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
I specialize in brand stories: I create strategic narratives that businesses can use to guide their copy, marketing, content, and PR strategies. It’s a simple, holistic plan so you can stop second-guessing your messaging, avoiding visibility and get on with your work. Once clients have a plan, I help support them through executing it with strategic copywriting and content.
I am so proud of my signature service and tiny but growing team. I never wanted to do this alone, and the more women and entrepreneurs I can support, the better. I believe that rising tides raise all ships, and I know that Brazen Story Co. will never lose sight of that guiding principle.
My experiences on both sides of writing, the creative and strategic, give me unique insight on small business messaging, but it’s my passion for seeing other women-owned businesses succeed that really makes my work sparkle. I always have ideas for clients—sometimes I wake up at 3 a.m. excited to share with someone the next day. I don’t work all the time, but when I’m helping someone lovingly bring a beautiful idea into reality, it doesn’t even feel like work.
Often it feels as if the media, by and large, is only focused on the obstacles faced by women, but we feel it’s important to also look for the opportunities. In your view, are there opportunities that you see that women are particularly well-positioned for?
Two barriers for women in business exacerbate one another: the attitude of some men towards young women as experts—and this is even more difficult for women of color—and a pervasive lack of confidence among women just starting out in business. This often manifests as the imposter syndrome we hear about all the time.
Listen ladies: we can’t convince anyone who doesn’t respect us to see us as experts. Don’t waste your time. Move onwards and upwards, sharing your expertise with people who are open to hearing it. Find friends. Keep sharing. Constructive criticism is a necessity, but don’t let yourself be burdened by the feedback of someone who doesn’t believe you can succeed—or doesn’t want you to. Their opinions are irrelevant.
We can’t fix people, but we can keep supporting one another. Keep lifting one another up. There are a lot of us, and together we are unstoppable.
To me, the internet & information industry are like the feminist wild west. Sure, there are some villains and some vigilantes, but there are also thriving and beautiful communities of women supporting one another and creating micro-economies that support so many families and dreams.
We are so blessed to live at a time when we can connect with peers, mentors, and clients anywhere in the world, and I feel that this opportunity levels the playing field in a lot of ways. People with non-traditional business backgrounds, odd hours, multiple responsibilities or passions to juggle still have the opportunity to run a storefront without underwriting from any bank. I think it’s beautiful, and women are well-positioned to build trust for one another as experts and service providers.
Contact Info:
- Website: brazenstory.com
- Email: info@brazenstory.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/ashtonwhitney
- Facebook: facebook.com/brazenstory
- Twitter: twitter.com/ashtonwhitney
- Other: linkedin.com/in/ashtonwhitney
Image Credit:
Coworking photos courtesy of the Millhouse Foundation, McKinney
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