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Life and Work with Courtney Heathcock

Today we’d like to introduce you to Courtney Heathcock.

Courtney, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I have always had a passion for writing and encouraging others. When I was in college, I would blog periodically and loved being creative with my Instagram posts and captions. After getting married, I shared a blog about what I learned in our first month of marriage and it had triple my usual viewers. I really loved the feeling of writing to help and encourage others through experiences I had gone through. So, I started meeting with photographers, following content creators to learn from them, and posting more consistently. I really began focusing on my brand and what I wanted my website and blog to be about and represent. I landed on being a place that focuses on joy and how we can seek that in our lives as well as helping people find freedom through vulnerability. Everything I do or promote on my page is to promote joy and to help people find their freedom through their own, or my vulnerability. This has been a long two-year journey and I can openly admit that I do NOT have it all figured out and I learn something new every day. I have to give myself a lot of grace and take it a day at a time or else I’d be overcome with overwhelm and stress. My life hasn’t been easy these past two years either and I have had to learn to choose myself, my marriage, and my mental health over posting many times. I have found my own freedom and joy through this process of creating my own corner of the internet and I have truly enjoyed every minute of it and the people I’ve met through this space!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Life will never be a smooth road for anyone and I have learned that throughout my entire life journey. However, although it will never be a smooth journey, we don’t have to allow ourselves to be shaken by the rough spots. These past few years have been some of the most difficult for me and my husband. We have been hurt by people we trusted, forced to move out of our home on a whim, my husband’s car broke down, we’ve moved in with my in-laws, I’ve lost two grandparents this year, and pair that with insecurities and life’s everyday inconveniences. It hasn’t been easy but it has given me space to choose myself. My best advice to someone starting this journey of influencing the people around you is to choose yourself first. Listen to your body when it says you need rest. Spend time with the people you love and put your phone away. Do things because you love them not because they make good content. Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually and allow yourself to say no to things that don’t serve you. Set boundaries for yourself before they are ever needed. I said yes to way too much and it left me feeling burnt out and defeated which lead to feeling inadequate, insecure, and isolated.

What do you do, what do you specialize in, what are you known for, etc. What are you most proud of? What sets you apart from others?
I wear a lot of different hats. My full-time job is the Local Outreach Coordinator and a Victim Advocate for an anti-human trafficking organization called Rescue Her., my lifestyle blog, is a creative outlet for me to share and encourage people to seek joy and find freedom through vulnerability. I share my struggles and the real, raw reality of my life. I love to spread joy with everything I do. I try to focus on the positive instead of dwelling on the negative and helping others see the light at the end of their tunnel. Another thing that sets me apart is that I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong or messed up. I have found so much value in being open and honest with my people. I’ve learned that people follow me for me and the best thing I can do is be honest. As a brand, I am most proud of staying true to myself and not trying to be like everyone else in the content creating space. I can get so easily overwhelmed by what other content creators are doing but I have been very intentional to staying true to who I am. Another thing I’m proud of is that I’ve keep going and pursuing my brand even when things aren’t going well and it’s not as easy. Consistency is key.

Often it feels as if the media, by and large, is only focused on the obstacles faced by women, but we feel it’s important to also look for the opportunities. In your view, are there opportunities that you see that women are particularly well-positioned for?
I believe that both men and women are needed in our society and they both add value. We as women have qualities that our culture so desperately needs. Women are nurtures at heart. That is why I love being an advocate and fostering relationships with people who need that. Women are great at multi-tasking and our brains are wired that way. This allows us, as women, to be really good at jobs that require a lot. This is why I am able to be a full-time advocate, lifestyle blogger, dog mom, wife, and friend, and do it well. Women are also very creative and notice the details. This skill is so useful in this day and age where everything we do is based on our 5 senses and how it makes us feel.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Lindsey Mcnally, @mcnallyartistry
Kaitlin Michele, @kaitlynmichelephotography
MG Photography,

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