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Life and Work with Dania Ghassoub

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dania Ghassoub.

So, before we jump into specific questions about what you do, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I am a proud Syrian American. I came to the United States as an immigrant about 14 years ago. With no English and no background knowledge of the US culture, I was very homesick and lost. Every time I would ask my parents why did we have to live here as a little girl, they would answer me and my brother with the same answer that my 12-year-old brain could just not grasp on: “For a better future and life for you and your brother.” I think what I would like people to learn from my story is to stop the fear or hate toward immigrants/refugees. Once we start looking at people who are different than us by looks or language as a human being deserving of humanitarian kindness, I am sure that the fear will vanish. Also, ASK- as a Syrian origin and a Muslim, I appreciate when people ask me to learn and know about me because when you ask that means you actually WANT to listen and know. I was just like one of these hated on and pushed back refugee kids these days. With some love and support, they will have all the potential of becoming good citizens of whatever country that welcomed them and give back to the community. We need to understand that no one likes to leave their homeland unless they were physically, emotionally, or mentally forced out. Individuals who come as refugees or immigrants have all the intentions to do something good and become independent and successful, but we only need to be empathetic and supportive of each other. I came to the U.S. in the 8th grade; after graduating from high school, I received my BS in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Management from the University of Central Oklahoma. Later, I completed my Dietetic Internship with Priority Nutrition Care Distance Dietetic Internship in Connecticut. Then, I passed my Registration Exam in February of 2018. Two months later, I signed a job contract and moved to DFW to start my position as an outpatient Registered Dietitian with JPS (John Peter Smith) Health Network. I am very honored to be working at such a place that cares about the same values that I care about. Not only that, working with low income, less privileged, and refugees patients but I feel that I give back somehow when I am able to help a patient whose language may have otherwise been a barrier for them to obtain good health services. Work hard and have determination toward your goals and working on them daily will help you reach them.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road to our goals are never smooth; otherwise, we would never appreciate what we gained and cannot become stronger and understand the reality of our existence. The struggles that I faced along my way, and of course, still do because we are in an “imperfect” place are many. Honestly, I can divide them into 2 main sources; internals and outer. We have to start facing the struggles from within! That is the internal part; we tend to be harsh on ourselves. I had many situations where I would think that I am NOT strong enough to do it or to take the decision and follow with actions. And THAT is when we have to remind ourselves that we are MEANT to face the problem that we are facing, otherwise God would not have brought us to it. As a Muslim a beautiful and powerful verse from the Quoran gives me this extra assurance that I need to stay strong and continue on no matter what we face of hardship; it reads “So Verily with the hardship, there is a relief. Verily with the hardship, there is relief.”

Now, the outer source of struggles comes from the people we surround ourselves with. Be extra smart and wise on who you marry, who you befriend, who you spend your time with, and who you go to for advising and support. Because these people make a HUGE impact on what they do. A certain time in my life, I wrongly let certain persons hurt me and negatively affect me by believing what THEY thought of me and what I am worth, Only YOU know your real value and only be around people who can see that. If you truly believe in something go for it, work hard, and be patient, dedicated, and responsible. And when you reach your goal, those same people who were trying to hold you back will be standing to clap for you. Stay strong, and deeply believe that YOU are capable of wonderful work!

Please tell us about your work.
As an outpatient Registered Dietitian, I work mainly with women regarding their nutrition- weight loss, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, pregnancy and breastfeeding nutrition, etc… I care not only about making sure that the patient I am seeing understand the educational information, but I also like to take my time getting to know them. Because I know that learning more about the life of a person as a patient makes my work and her readiness to change much better. We are all different in our ways of life, work, social, educational and so many other aspects. As a dietitian, I know that even if I am teaching the same materials, I just cannot teach it the same way to every woman I see. As and team member with JPS, I am most proud of being a part of an organization that cares about anyone that ask for service or help in regard of health without discriminating with religion, origin, language, or resident status.

Who have you been inspired by?
Princess Diana. Even though she was struggling in her personal life and unhappy, yet, she was so caring and had a beautiful heart. She wanted to see other content and smiling. She was the voice to the people who had no voice. She cared and supported many in need and especially ones who were at that time looked at as “invaluable.”

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: FoodieDtheRD

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