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Life and Work with Karina Herrera

Today we’d like to introduce you to Karina Herrera.

Karina, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I started Instagram six years ago just to connect with family that lived away. I was a newlywed at the time and when I scrolled through, I found so many young ladies that were also newlyweds sharing their lives, their cooking, their home decor and I was amazed. Slowly, we all became pregnant and then moms and the love for sharing our journeys grew. Now, I follow so many amazing moms from all over the world who I’ve made special connections with and inspire me on the daily. I would’ve never imagined this happening six years ago.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Being open about your life on social media can be hard. A lot of people will not like or agree on your lifestyle and that’s ok. I haven’t really had it hard but during the six years of being open about my life, I have received a few messages and comments about people that didn’t like what I posted. To be honest, in the beginning, it used to bother me, but now, I pay them no mind at all. The love and supporting comments outweigh the negative ones always. And if I can give any advice to anyone, it is definitely to be yourself, don’t be someone online and in real life another. Always stay humble and don’t try to change for anybody.

Please tell us about Lovedbythreelittlesss.
In the six years that I’ve been sharing my life on Instagram, I am most proud of sharing my miscarriage story. When I experienced my loss, I actually wanted to delete all social media and never be back again. But I thought to myself what if someone else out there is going through the same thing as me and can have a little hope in my story. Well, I came back and shared what I was going through and to my surprise so many beautiful mamas shared their stories with me and it encouraged me to start my blog about my loss and my journey to my rainbow baby. Sharing my story and talking about it with so many was so healing to my heart and that’s exactly what I wanted for others going through the same thing. And I think it’s happened, and that’s what I am most proud of.

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