Today we’d like to introduce you to Linda Ayoade.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My name is Linda Ayoade. I grew up in Richardson, Texas as one of six kids born to Nigerian immigrant parents. I was that kid in middle school that would draw in class instead of taking notes. My bad grades and interest in drawing, painting and the Arts didn’t quite flow well with my Nigerian culture that emphasized good grades and had an unwritten rule that there are only four career options in life: doctor, lawyer, engineer or family disgrace. lol. My parents weren’t thrilled when I first told them I was going into the Arts. I graduated from Richardson High School in 2004 and got a volleyball scholarship to Pittsburg State University, where I majored in Commercial Graphics with a minor in Marketing. I was determined to succeed in my field and prove my parents wrong. I worked very hard in college and graduated with honors.
In my last semester in college in 2008, I had interviews lined up with Hallmark, Toyota and a lot of other smaller businesses. Unfortunately, the economy crashed and all of those opportunities dried up. So, I moved back to Dallas in the Fall 2008 and did something I had sworn I would never do, move back in with my parents. After filing out what must have been hundreds of application and going through a string of different temp jobs, I decided to work at my parents’ home health agency. While working with my parents, I noticed how my parents and other small business owners like them did not have access to high-quality graphics and branding services at prices they could afford. I started out designing flyers and office stationery for my parents and their friends that owned businesses. It was then that I realized me never getting hired was a blessing in disguise. There, in front of me, was a wonderful opportunity to help others grow their businesses and also express my creativity and love for art. With that opportunity in mind and encouragement from my parents, I decided to start my own business, LOI Graphics Inc, in March 2011. Word quickly spread mainly though word-of-mouth and my clientele grew.
My husband came on board in 2016 and we added website design services. We changed business models in 2017 and focused solely on branding and design packages because we noticed that the only way our clients would get the most value for their buck is if there was a strategy around their branding and if their designs were coordinated. We have since added video and consulting services and we have brought five more team members on board. What started as a misfortune has now grown into a mature business. LOI Graphics Inc has worked with brands like HBO, McDonalds, Frito Lay and we’ve helped some local startups grow into thriving businesses through effective branding. My siblings have come to understand and appreciate what I do also. When my sister was starting her clinic (KarisMed Family Medicine) in Katy, Texas, she came to me for her logo and startup branding needs. When my brother Matthew (IG: doc.iggy) and my sister Sherry (IG: soulsports.doc) need advice on which equipment to purchase for their social media posts or need help with media/graphics, they call me and my husband. My parents have come to understand and appreciate what I do now as well. They are proud of me and how my company as grown. They’ve gotten to see my company’s work on billboards, magazines and commercials. I didn’t quite end up a doctor, lawyer or engineer, but I can proudly say that I did not end up a family disgrace. lol. Now, I mentor new graduates with similar challenges like the the ones I had, and I encourage them to pursue their dreams through my story. My goal is to grow my company so I can continue to help small businesses grow and offer young graduates job opportunities like the ones I was not able to get when I got out of college.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road definitely was not smooth at the start. I had a couple of temp-to-hire jobs, but none of them hired me full-time and they never would tell me why. Not knowing what to improve on was very discouraging. I had to assume everything was wrong with my designs. I remember taking trips to the mall every week just to look at logos and designs to see if I could measure up to what was out there. Looking back, that rough start led me to compare my work to top brands which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because now my clients and prospects say that my company’s designs have a TV-ready look to them.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
My company, LOI Graphics Inc, specializes in brand consulting, graphic design services, video production, printing services and other marketing services. We are known for helping businesses and organizations “look like where they are going.” When business owners come to us, we listen to their vision for the business and work to see their vision come to life. What sets us apart is that our services can compete with what the big brands you see on TV. My husband, Wale, and I and run a non-profit organization called MY Experience (www.myexperience.show) where we organize events to discuss issues that are typically swept under the carpet and link people with organizations that provide solutions to those problems.
What makes you happy?
What makes me happy is helping others better their lives; because having more money, material possession or other resources doesn’t really count unless you are able to help other people.
Contact Info:
- Email: linda@loigraphics.com
- Website: www.loigraphics.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/loigraphics
www.instagram.com/myexperienceshow - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loigraphics/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEwwFAhbFSnZrtP78eYMw3w
Image Credits
LOI Graphics Inc: www.loigraphics.com – @loigraphics Wale Studio: @walestudio
Victory Media Pro: www.victorymediapro.com – @vmpimages
Izzy Belle Images @izzybelleimages