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Life & Work with LaSonya Callahan

Today we’d like to introduce you to LaSonya Callahan. 

Hi LaSonya, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
Party In Pink Entertainment (PIPE) was a word that was spoken into my spirit over 30 years ago through church members and friends that thought I had the ability to put together church events and successfully organize them.

It was not until 2018 that I conceived the idea of my Event and Party business. I put in the work to come up with the concept of the business and put together a business plan.

It was in 2019 the birth of the of Party In Pink Entertainment was delivered.

Party In Pink Entertainment brought to Dallas, Texas our first event “Clear Vision in 20/20” A New Year Eve Party. I came up with the name for the theme. Is because me being the owner had a clear vision of what I wanted my business model to be like and making pun of the year being 2020 and having perfect sight 20/20.

We did not just stop there we quickly headed to Chicago, Illinois where we had our “Ladies in Pink Party” Ladies Night Out Party. Where we celebrated single ladies that didn’t have that date on Valentine Day with chocolates, flowers a Comedian, to male dancers, and wonderful Pink drinks.

We are looking to bring many more events to many more Cities and States near you. We are bringing December 18, 2021 7pm at Naomi Bruton Center “WARNING: 6-FEET CLOSER, A Comedy Show.

What makes Party In Pink Entertainment different from other Party planners and Event promoters is that we can go from City to City and State to State to bring you all the fun and excitement that each of you want and deserve. We pay attention to all the details that Makes an event unique and fun so all you have to do is enjoy. We do not have a brick and mortar so we are able to be mobile with our parties/events

We host both public and private events.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It hasn’t been easy. Right from the start. Party In Pink Entertainment encountered a struggling catering business/owner, that was too was new that stole money from us in Charlottesville, Virginia. So, we had to regroup and take our New Year Eve Party to Dallas where we knew a few venues and owners that we could trust.

Then we came up against Covid-19, which brought all business plans to a screeching halt.

Party In Pink Entertainment continued in small ways to be active online with gift baskets. To a mom and a dad on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

Behind the scenes, we continued to work on ideas of our next event when we were able to get back to work.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am by profession a Lead Histology Technician. I have been in this line of work over 35 years. I was 19 when I first got into histology. I was a lab assistant in a medical lab in Dallas at the UT Southwestern Medical Center and the Dr. I was working for asked if would like to be a Histology Technician. Without even really knowing what I was quickly saying yes to.

It was over a period of a months to a year or so, that I actually became a student, but I did finally start taking classes funded by the Medical School/Parkland hospital at the time.

I became the first pilot student and first to pass my registry under the teaching of the instructor of the program instructor/director Glenda Hood.

I went on to receive my QIHC Certification also through the Medical School to which I had worked 15 years before, I went on working at other private and clinical labs. Learning and absorbing all I know today.

I received my first Lead position in Charlottesville, Virginia at the UVA. I always knew I wanted to be in a leadership position because a great mentor of a supervisor that I worked with that demonstrated such a beautiful attitude about her job she molded me when I’m not sure she knew she was molding me. Sandy Hinton from working at Parkland Hospital. She had always been my inspiration of what a great leader looks like.

From Virginia, back to Texas still in the leadership role.

I have used my love for patient care and the care of those that work side by side me every day Monday through Friday and some weekends to drive me and help support my lifestyle as well as to fund what I care deeply about which is my business Party In Pink Entertainment.

If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
I was a loner most of the time. That one that always was taking selfies before selfies was a thing. My uncle Jimmy Williams gave me a Minolta camera for I think my birthday and it had a self-timer on it and I would set it up and take pictures of myself.

I have always loved to sing even though I don’t have a real singers voice that never have stopped me. I won second place in a HOSA (Health Occupation Student of America) talent contest in high school. I think it was more about the presentation than my singing,

I went through phases in my early elementary years I was the class clown without trying to be. People would just laugh at me. Then in junior high school/high school, I became a little reserved. I was fun to be around. I liked poetry and writing although my skills for punctuation were very off.

I was always into the medical field. I had dreams to be a nurse, a psychologist, and then fell into to my present field of work Histology.

I have always saw myself as an actress or someone in the spotlight doing something big. I haven’t tapped into what that looks like, but once my older sister Delisa Trevino and I were cheerleaders for a tribute to the Dallas Cowboys (with young boys in different cowboys’ uniform on like I want to say Tony Dorsett, Drew Pearson, and Roger Staubach) I do remember Iola Johnson (she was a popular news Anchor back in the day) being the host of the show.

I have always worked and worked hard. I worked with my dad at his job helping with inventory at an auto parts store South Dallas. My first job was at a North Dallas Captain D’s when it was on Preston and Alpha Road. I was 14 years old. I told them I was 16. I worked there for almost 1.5 years before getting my job at the UT Southwestern as a lab assistant.

I think I was my mom and dad responsible teen, I would say. I could be rebellious at times, but only when it caused for. If, I strongly believed in something I would stand on my belief no matter what. I think I’m still like that right today.


  • Ticket sales $25.00 General Admission
  • Ticket sales $45.00 VIP seating
  • Private Events/Party my fee is $500.00-1500.00
  • Corporate $2500.00 and up

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Image Credits
The Photo Gallery

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