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Life & Work with Lori Kovacevich

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lori Kovacevich. 

Hi Lori, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a California girl (sorry Texans) and moved to Austin back in 2015 for a change of pace. Most people ask why I moved to Texas if I wanted to be an actor. “Shouldn’t you be in LA?” But truthfully, I didn’t move here to become an actor. It wasn’t even on my radar in 2015. I thought I had put down that dream for a while. I didn’t go to school for it; didn’t think I had the experience or chops to “make it.” So, I used my Boston University Communication degree that I paid way too much for to work for a tech startup. About a year into my time in Austin, I was fed up with the workflow, burnout, and lack of flexibility I had at my job. So, I quit and hopped behind a bar. 

The service industry got me through college and it was the easiest industry for me to go into while I was between jobs. It also happens to be a booming industry in Austin and my favorite community I’ve ever been a part of. In fact, there was that period of time I got way too invested in the craft cocktail world and worked my ass off for two years to earn an apron and a spot behind the bar at The Roosevelt Room in downtown Austin. 

Somewhere along the way, acting came back to me. It always had a way of doing that. I soon recognized that if I never gave acting a real shot, I would regret it deeply. And, with very little experience past high school theatre and a couple productions in college, I knew I had a lot of work to do. But, the only way to get the experience was to just start. So, I enrolled in classes. Took every job I could. Unpaid student films. Theatre productions. The occasional local commercial. I signed with my first agent in 2017 and haven’t stopped grinding since. 

The life of an actor is a difficult one, but it can also be incredibly fulfilling. I have wanted to quit a million times. But I like to think I’m proof that if you feel inadequate or scared about jumping into something new, all you have to do is start. Sometimes starting is the hardest part. 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
There are no smooth roads. Especially in art. 

Struggling just to pay rent is a huge one. Not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from can be daunting. But nothing could have prepared me for the hit COVID took on me. I had just two months prior quit full-time work at a bar to work events and rock the gig economy. When SXSW was cancelled, I was devastated. For many, those two weeks are an invigorating hustle that can make you more money than you might make all year. I certainly wasn’t prepared to lose that. Suddenly I was on unemployment and the future looked scary and uncertain. But, I’m one of the lucky ones and had a lot of love and support surrounding me. 

I’m sure any actor can agree that your biggest obstacle is often your self-doubt. I love referring to that Leo scene in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood where we gives a bad performance and proceeds to go back to his trailer and throw a rage fit; screaming at himself about how bad he was and how he’s better than that. Then he goes back on set and has a beautiful take and suddenly he’s crying tears of pride. Sure, his character’s alcoholism is a huge part of it, but I think every actor can attest to that kind of emotional up and down and sheer craving for validation. It’s a delicate balance of caring so much and also leaving that determination at the door when you step into an audition room or onset. Of course, you care, but you don’t want them to see you care. You want them to see you in the moment. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a local Austin actor. Commercial work pays the bills, but I’ve worked on many narrative short films, a VR experience about Schizophrenia, a TV pilot, and I am currently on production for an indie feature shooting here in Austin. I love creating work that is honest and raw (think Greta Gerwig), but I want to do it all! I am in this profession because I want to live a million lives. Every character is an opportunity to experience life in a whole new way.

I am currently preparing for a big move to New York to hone my craft. Because life’s short, you know? But, don’t worry, I’ll be around!

Readers can stay up to date on everything by following my Instagram at @lorikov or visiting my website at

What do you like and dislike about the city?
I haven’t spent a ton of time in Dallas, but the times I have been out there I’ve really enjoyed the nightlife. Dallas has some great bars. I’m a big fan of Midnight Rambler, and my friends at Nickle City just opened a Fort Worth location that I can’t wait to visit! 

Only major dislike is that it isn’t closer to Austin! 

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Image Credits
Sarah Uftring
Hannah Varnell
Rebecca Mendoza

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