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Meet Adam Fish of The Unseen Story in Lake Highlands

Today we’d like to introduce you to Adam Fish.

Adam, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I am a commercial photographer by trade. I graduated from UNT with a BFA in photography and then spent two years assisting for multiple NYC photographers. I moved back to Dallas and started my own business in 2001. By 2006 I was doing quite well-shooting advertising work for some of the biggest ad agencies and companies. I had a large studio in Oak Cliff near Bishop Arts and was represented by a local rep agency. As someone who thought of himself as an artist, I was making more money than I thought I would ever make. However, despite my success, I was experiencing a tremendous amount of anxiety and found that I was not particularly happy with the work I was doing.

In 2008 I read an article about post-election violence in Kenya. It was estimated that more than 500,000 Kenyan’s had been displaced due to the widespread violence and were now classified as IDPs – Internal Displaced People living in the UN provided tents. I decided to see if I could do something to help out. I took a trip to shoot portraits and record stories of the IDP’s. This trip was the beginning of a long journey for me desiring to use photography for good, to help tell stories that can raise awareness for an issue and to positively impact culture.

Fast forward to 2016, I took a staff photography position at a church. I was exposed to people that were having encounters with God. We would record stories for print and online marketing purposes to promote the church ministries. I remember one woman, in particular, was very impactful to me. She had lost her hearing as an adult and was healed after she was prayed for at a conference. During this time of working for the church, I was on my own journey of faith wrestling with the concept of God, specifically who He is and what is His character and nature. Up to this point in my life I was very skeptical of any stories of supernatural events, but meeting this women began to change my perspective. I found that the more of these stories we told, the more I was challenged to reconsider my skepticism and doubt.

In 2019 I decided to create a platform to record and share the stories of those who have supernatural encounters with God. I did not want the stories to be tied to a specific church or ministry so that the focus could be purely on the power of God. I would like our audience to be as impacted as I have been by hearing stories of people who have had remarkable experiences. I’ve had to ask myself, is there a God? Is He involved with people today? If so, what does that mean for me?

Has it been a smooth road?
My wife and I decided to start this as an act of faith, knowing that it would be very difficult to monetize. We got our 501c3 status in the spring and have been able to survive on our savings and the generosity of our donors. However, the finances have definitely been the biggest challenge to overcome.

Please tell us more about your work, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I would call what we do a ministry, as a ministry is simply a vehicle through which you tell other people about God. Often people hear about God through the framework of religion which has a well-defined view of who God is. It just so happens that we tell others about God through sharing supernatural stories that often challenge the religious framework. I am proud that we are pointing people to a God who is LOVE, does not fit into our religious boxes, that looks and acts exactly like Jesus.

Is our city a good place to do what you do?
Dallas is an incredible place for what we do; there is such diversity here in our city. Within minutes of my house, there are people groups from all over the globe. With that diversity comes an endless supply of amazing people with remarkable stories of God moving powerfully in their lives.

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