Today, we’d like to introduce you to Andrea Dickson. Andrea was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Brenda Wakefield.
Andrea, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I was born by the river in a little house, just before day. I was delivered by my Aunt and Grandaunt the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The First granddaughter born to the oldest child. As a child I did not know the importance of being the first. My mother and Grandmother were the cooks in the family and took that job seriously. That made me want to do the same. I remember spending hours outside playing in the dirt, making mud cakes, near the kitchen window under the watchful eyes of my grandmother (Nanny). I played there so much my granduncles made me a little stove. In the evening before supper they would both come to the house and before going in they would come and eat with me. I would fix there plates and they would rant and rave over what I had made ,just like they did with my Nanny. I was so proud! Then we would all go inside and eat real supper. The pride in my Nanny and Mothers eyes when people would come by to eat, spoke volumes of the love they had for cooking. In the small town it was said no matter the time of day you can always come and get a good meal and great wisdom. We would all sit down at the table and everyone would talk about their day. That was the best part of day for me. Listen and talking. My love of talking frequently landed me in trouble. I have always loved cooking, working with my hands to creating things and feeding people. My passion for cooking and baking lead me to cook before school using left over to create a new meal for us to enjoy while waiting on the bus. Watching my brother and younger cousins devour the food was delightful.
Now we fast-forward over the pasted 25 years, this wonderful man God has blessed me with and together we have seven wonderful children. With the house full cooking for one or two more was not hard. Entertaining came easy, weather feeding our family or hosted, dinner parties. After an evening of food and food, a friend came to me and asked could we help out on a wedding she was decorating for. My first reply was NO, I can’t cater someone wedding this is a very important day. We did not know anything about catering so, I looked it up, catering ( catering to service) it was an ah-ha moment of what we had we were already doing, now we would get paid to do it. Within two weeks we had a name, insurance, and all we needed to cater her wedding this one time. The emotions flooded me as the memories of my uncle enjoying my mud cake, an unexplained peace, that this is right.
When God is in it, it always works. We were booked for our next event, it went extremely well. This prompted Kervin and I to made the decision that he would go to culinary school, Our gold was to do this right from the be gaining, Without changing how we cooked but to enhance. Having the proper credentials means a great deal. The birthing of Angel’s Creation Catering was born from the love of cooking started in our mother and grandmothers kitchen. So you have “Custom cooking with a Heavenly Flavor”
Please tell us more about your brand, Angels Creations Catering
We bring people back to the table, in form of family dinners, Office lunches, House warming, Weddings, Birthday Celebrations we cater to all, no number to big or small. We have a team of Trained Chefs, Bartenders and Services that make it all work. What sets us apart our Love of People and Food, the continued education and the passion for excellence. We are not the only catering company you can call, we want to be The one you call. We love what we do and who we do it for. What makes us most proud as a brand, that we bring people together to share grown and love. We have a love for family and community. If you have a strong family you have a stronger community.
Brenda Wakefield has been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Brenda and your experience with her.
When I meet Brenda we were at a networking event. she was new to the group and I wanted to know more about this holistic and out of the box solutions. I was the take a pill go to the doctor queen. As we spoke and she explained what she did I was intrigued to learn more. She could see my hesitation, she asked may I touch you, as a believer in God and the power of the touch. I said sure let me see this touch thing is all about. She had me close my eyes and she touched the back of my neck, I felt as if my spin was twisting. other people in the room said you were not moving. I was so relaxed, then I lost her card. How was I going to learn more? When the student in ready the teach will come. A few months later she’s back at the same meeting. I did not just see her I went and sat with her, as if we were friends I asked where have you been? We laughed and had many more talks. As we talked or I talked she listened with solutions to the issue we had, The pains that my young daughters were have with there monthly cycles. She has a solution with no side effects, that works with in hours.
Laying on her table for an hour is better and less painful (no pain) than any massage I have every had. I was so relaxed that I could not drive home I has to set for a minute. Any time I spend on her table I have my driver take me (my husband)
My husband has had chronic back pains for the last 23 years also he has insomnia. He is always in pain at a level 6 or more. I gifted him a section with Brenda with in minutes in the section, he was sleep, afterwards he had no pain, he felt so good he mowed the yard. Something he had not been able to do in years. This is just the body work. I’ve had knee pains for years, I told Brenda about the pain she again touch my knee and the pain was gone. Learning the importance of self-care and listening to your body. She has help me to listen to my body, your body talks to you and will tell you what it needs and do not need. Working with Brenda has added new meaning to the phrase disease is, the Dis Ease in the body.
I love the way she searches to find new better thing to help herself and other live there best life healthy happy and whole. The passion she has for helping other better their health is amazing. She is always learning, taking a class to better herself not for her but for those she service. Her passion for alternative healing, to find that out of the box holistic solutions shows all over her, You can see it in her smile, you hear it as she speaks, she educates, empowers you to want to be the best you that you can be. We must get up every day why not be at your best each day? Brenda’s coaching has helped us feel better, eat better, breath better, do better. The Key is you must DO to BE.
She truly walks the Talk or Talks the walk. She is a grandmother that’s out riding bikes and running with children. I want to be that grandmother too. If you want to look and feel good at any age you must put in the work. Brenda can help you, when you feel good, you do more and are a much happier person. Self-Care some people my call it being selfish well I’m here to tell you, to take care of other, you must first take care of Your Own Um (YOU). Self-Care is as importance as water. Your body is made of 100% YOU and 78% and 0% others.
Website: angelscreationcatering.com
Instagram: angels_creation_catering
Linkedin: Andrea Dickson
Facebook: Angel’s Creation Catering
Yelp: Angel’s Creation Catering
Youtube: Angel’s Creation Catering
Soundcloud: Andrea Dickson