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Meet Angela Whitman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angela Whitman. 

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
#DiabetesSquadUp LLC!!! My organization was birth out of my getting diabetes two years ago at the age of 50. So, my life had to change unexpectedly and with that being said it comes with emotional feelings and physically hurting and mentally broken and it feels so bad having diabetes. The hard truth is diabetes’ is not my friend or anybody’s friend. If you go from being healthy to sick and at that point is when reality kicks in and now your life that you were once living has to come with major changes it hurts, it makes me cry depression is real and it comes with what is my next major move… I learned how to sit in quietness with God and ask all the questions I don’t understand Lord why? What do you need from me? Who do I tell? Well, it come to me my doctor said Angela you have to tell everybody you have diabetes. Great, let me put a weekend together for Diabetes Awareness. So, I did and #DiabetesSquadUp LLC came to life. It was the best thing I could have done for people who were fighting diabetes. So, it’s my passion that people have all the right education and teaching about this bad disease. Type 2 is the most common when it comes to diabetes and Type 1 is a white diabetes disease, which is the one I struggle with, and it only comes with shots all day every day. I’m just fighting for what I believe in so here I come world. #DiabetesSquadUp LLC. You have to check on the people you know who have diabetes… They need love and support all day every day. Fighting back #DiabetesSquadUp LLC 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It was hard finding out I got diabetes. Nothing, but tears it went on for a whole year emotionally out of control, angry, sad, and confused mentally, and it was a setback for my comeback. I had to do counseling just to get a real understanding of how my life changed rapidly no time to sit and think it just changed what does change look like eating healthy exercising every day and finding the best specialist in the world about my diabetes because I am a Type1, so I have to live different from everybody else. I do not get to do the girly things like getting my nails and toes done. It comes with hair loss and just trying to find my beauty and who I am it’s a lot but I’m here!!! My journey is moving full ahead!!! 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
#DiabetesSquadUp is my brand and my life. It comes with changing life with education and teaching and going around the world to tell everybody about this disease that kills every day. I’m most proud of myself for standing up to tell the world that this disease is in our community and no one is coming to help us I’m so transparent about diabetes and how it affects us and how do we do better. Love is something that is number one on the list when you have any kind of disease because people just need that support, I love my brand #DiabetesSquadUp LLC 

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Tell somebody that is fighting with diabetes that you support them to the fullest and you say I Love You!!!’ It will help with the emotions of that person we need that extra support!!!’ I want everybody on Nov19,2022 is the day of Diabetes Awareness and it’s only for 9 days please celebrate the people who you know for the month of November!!!’ If you need anything, please let me know I’m there #Diabetes Squad Up LLC!!!’ I’m in there 


  • #DiabetesSquadUp LLC Brand T-shirts $25 red, yellow, blue 
    • Nacho Type1 or 2
    • Let’s Punch Diabetes (w/ boxing gloves) 
    • Suga Suga you give me RUSH
    • Finger Prickin Good 
    • Not Diabetic, Just Sugar Challenged 
    • You are SO Sweet, I just went into a Diabetic Shock 
    • And more 
  • Wristbands $5 red, yellow and blue

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: Auntie_Angie_Radio

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