Today we’d like to introduce you to Anthony Gaut.
Anthony, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
It all started on April 2nd, 1997, the night a star was born…. jk, lol!
Hi, I’m Ant and my story started I guess back in high school. I did everything when I was in HS, sports, student council, choir, countless other things too. I love being creative, I love expressing myself, and I love performing. Once high school ended, I kind’ve lost that aspect of myself. I was going to school and that was pretty much it. I’m also a fierce competitor so just having school to focus on was literally driving me insane. So naturally, like most people, I started training in mixed martial arts and became an MMA fighter😁.
I’ve been fighting as an amateur for the past 2 1/2 years now, off and on while still in school, but I’m taking a bit of a hiatus from competing to finish my degree. Fighting became my creative outlet for a long time, trying out new techniques, getting my ass kicked by my friends, all good times. Martial arts also became a place for me to find peace and find a home away from home. It still is, even though I’m not getting to train as much as I’d like.
What’s changed recently (these past few months) is that I’ve found another way to express myself, and that’s through modeling! It was very much a spur of the moment decision, and I dove headfirst into the deep end to try and make this happen. After just two photoshoots, I went knocking to a modeling agency and got signed. Everything happened really quickly with getting started and now, things are starting to slow down which I’m beginning to appreciate. I’ve got some runway shows coming up, a few paid shoots as well, but honestly, I’m just loving the opportunity to express myself in a new way.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
No good story is without any conflict. As far as challenges go, most of mine have been internal challenges. Not taking time for my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I’ve dealt with getting laid off by a company I was excelling at, dealing with my first real heartbreak, having a father who was never really present, lots of things that take their toll.
The one obstacle that I’d say has been the hardest to deal with was the death of my wrestling coach Robert Renney. He was an Olympian on the Australian wrestling team and he was one of the hardest coaches I’ve ever had and one of the kindest humans I’d ever met. What made it so hard for me is that I was there when it happened, he was in the middle of teaching and he had a heart attack on the mats. We had to sit there helplessly while paramedics tried to bring him back. It still sits with me today, seeing the whole scene playback over and over. It’s taught me to appreciate life so much more, but it was just another cruel reminder of how unfair life can be. This was the first time I’d ever had my spirit broken, and I had to go out the week after and fight in a cage. I couldn’t tell my team at the time but I had no fight left in me after seeing that. All I wanted to do was sit and cry, and cry, and cry. And that’s what I did every night until the fight. Then, when I lost I cried even more. That was my first real experience with death, and I’m still dealing with it today. Rob was such a great guy, I hope I’ll make him proud one day.
Please tell us more about your work. What do you do? What do you specialize in? What sets you apart from the competition?
So right now, what I’m probably most known for is my modeling. I’ve only been at it for a few months but I think my willingness to be bold with my poses, and creative sets has really set me apart.
Also in part, because there aren’t very many male models in the DFW area. There’s only a handful I know, like Adam, Alex Powell, Rohan, my homie Walter. I think because there’s so few of us it also makes it where we’ll get a lot of buzz rather quickly.
I think if you were to introduce my work to someone new, the first thing they’d probably say is “wow he’s willing to try everything!” And I would have no choice but to agree my motto lately has been “anything for the shot”.
So, if there are any photographers looking to try some crazy shots, I’m your guy😎.
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Right now, when I think of the future all I’m really focused on is making myself more marketable for commercials. I understand my limitations I’m 5’9, I’m not going to be booked for high fashion shoots or even runways really. So, I really wanna go hard networking with creative directors going to acting and modeling workshops so I can start getting booked more frequently.
And of course, finish my degree so my mom doesn’t kill me haha.
I think it’d also be cool to get involved in a couple of short films down the line. Acting’s really fun.
- 20/hr modeling
- 50/hr personal training(fitness)
- 50/hr personal training(martial arts)
Contact Info:
- Phone: 682-478-6089
- Email: anthony.gaut1997@gmail.com
- Instagram: Instagram.com/antgaut
Image Credit:
Hunter Ruttledge, Cade Palmer, ShotbyShena, Christinascaptures, Victoria Segovia, Irvin Medina, Jacob Jones, Jordan Newell, Taylor Foss
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