Today we’d like to introduce you to Bria Jenkins.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Bria. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I was aware that I lacked creativity & having my own sense of style. After spending a year at a university, flopping my major, I decided to put more of my time into figuring out who I am. I couldn’t answer simple questions like what’s my favorite color, what did I like to do in my free time, what’s my dream job? But I knew for sure, being in front of a camera & wearing nice clothes was up to my alley. My confidence eventually got in the way of those things. I was insecure about my slim body & the fact that I couldn’t fit the majority of clothes being sold. The clothes that attracted me & that was my size was quite expensive. So, I decided to start thrifting.
Most of the clothes that I racked up on were vintage and 90s wear. That gave me the idea to go through my mom & dad’s closet. I felt like I hit the jackpot when I ran into one of my dad’s old button-down dress shirt. It was vintage but it was also huge. I wanted to make it into a crop top but how could I do that without it being noticeable that I cut it. I remembered that I took a sewing course in high school & learned how to do such things but I didn’t have a sewing machine. Christmas came around & I asked for a sewing machine. I altered so many clothes when I first got it but eventually got bored staying at the same level. I wanted to start making items from scratch. That’s when I decided to go to school for fashion design. I meet so many creative people & discovered so many things that I liked. I even got a chance to be in front of a professional camera. I unlocked my potential of becoming a fashion model. But the grass, of course, is not always green. My classes were kicking my butt & my bank account was drained from all the supplies I had to buy. How did they expect me to spend money on supplies without enough time to even make money to spend? But I enjoyed going to school so I didn’t let that stop me. I found a part-time job with flexible scheduling to fit in with my hectic 8 am to 5 pm classes every Monday-Thursday. Eventually, that went left when I moved into my first apartment. I needed more money to fund my rent, gas tank, and supplies for school. I felt forced to let a few things go & it for sure couldn’t be the roof over my head. So, I finished off my year of school & committed my time to work.
My dream of becoming a fashion designer & model slipped my mind. I moved into my dream apartment & upgraded to a new job. But I knew a part of me was missing. I felt like a quitter for not continuing to follow my dreams. So, I jumped back on it. I invested in supplies and photo shoots. I did collaborations with photographers, hairstylists, and clothing designers. Some of my shoots went viral on social media and I gained professional connections. I knew I had so much more to accomplish. I was eager to take my career to the next level. That’s when I realized working a 9 to 5 shift at a retail spot was not my cup of tea. I felt my time, life, and career was being stolen from me. I saved up some money & quit my job. No, it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I started to become depressed about what other people thought of my actions. I had no job & I was putting my time into my craft that wasn’t making me any money yet. But I knew it would. And here I am today, still going harder than ever towards my dreams. I don’t have current status on where I stand with my career. But so far, through my never-ending journey, I learned to hold on tight to my faith, confidence, and thoughts of myself. Don’t let anybody that’s not filling your tank up dictate where you will go.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I lacked strength financially, emotionally, and physically. I struggled with trying to fit everything in my schedule. The hardest part was deciding what’s important. Getting myself mentally together was the most important to me. Because I wasn’t mentally strong I couldn’t focus. I had so many days that started off badly because I woke up unmotivated & questioned my passion for everything that was on my plate. I feel the biggest battle anybody could have is with their mind. It’s a powerful force & could destroy anything in its path.
Please tell us more about your business, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I own a customized clothing line called Fierce. The fact of it being customized makes it unique & different. I am working on expanding my business into other departments such as skin care and hair wigs. I also plan to have different businesses under one chain. My biggest goal is to open up a shop with talented makeup artists, photographers, hairstylists, and nail techs.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
To me, success means purpose. It’s not based on financial achievements. I discover a goal that’s going to motivate me to do anything. A goal that will drive me even when the wheels fall off. I look for progress when going after that goal. Progress establishes growth and growth means I’m learning to become a better person than I was yesterday.
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Instagram: briafierce
Image Credit:
drivenimage, toochictees, divastylessalon
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