Today we’d like to introduce you to Chase Brooks.
Chase, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Growing up, I’ve always thought I would be on the grassy baseball fields of UT Austin hitting home runs until I stuffed my face with hot dogs as I went pro for the Texas rangers. Unfortunately, I was gifted with something even more amazing. Grew up with all sisters and was surrounded with great football athletes in my family so it was destined that I should be a natural in football. My parents were not such educated on baseball and how to attract scouts so I took it into my own hands and went off of raw natural talent. During that time is when social media just started evolving and was takin advantage of for those who were computer savvy. During the time my baseball coach sat me down after many game nights and told me I had a chance to take baseball to another level but never really committed like I should have due to living throughout my family’s dreams for me instead of mines. 2014 I went off to Blinn College in an attempt of maybe walking on for baseball one day, but ended up finding out I had a talent for art. gradually transferred pen from paper to a pair of cold metal clippers on and living canvas cutting hair. I ended up making way more income than I had planned. By second semester I ended up dropping out of college I didn’t know how to feel at the moment, I just gave up on college, baseball, am I going to become a failure? That moment I knew I had to risk it all. Came home got a job working at Walmart part-time while attending Texas Barber College. Within a year, I finished school and quit my job soon as I received my barber’s license with only $200 in my name, that was the best leap I ever took. I lost friends along the way and relationships. But it made me stronger and built the person I am today a successful 24-year-old professional Barber.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Majority of my struggle along the way was the growth from relationships, friends and family. Funerals and birthdays I couldn’t make it to. Being so caught up in the journey could be hindering and rewarding at times. Finances were a challenge knowing when to invest and knowing when to pay yourself. I feel like stress and insecurities are held back when being self-employed, to pertain this certain image of happiness or your life is amazing because you do not work a 9-5 its a front and a lie. During your beginning phase, there’s gonna be many days when you doubt yourself things may be working and the next month you may flop. But the key is to never stay down acknowledge the feeling and finds a solution to resolve the issue no business is perfect and it’s not a job for the weak-minded.
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Chase Brooks Quality Cuts story. Tell us more about the business.
I am a Professional Groomer to me hygiene is very important. I am really known for my classy hair blends im no over the board designs hair butcher type of guy. You have a cooperate meeting, job promotion, interview, or anything to where your appearance is important in that professional field. I am the guy you need. The things that I am most proud of is that my services never become stagnate why? Because my clientele never becomes stagnate, new faces come in every week so it is my duty to always elevate and to become better with my skills. What sets me apart from others is my consistency!!! I feel like I’m almost perfect at times with my cuts because consistency is practiced more than anything I do. Feelings my change but my work always is the same or it evolves. My place of business is not chop shop if you want to be in and out or rushed I have some people I could refer you to where you would be out in 30 minutes or less majority of my cuts are 50min top so you can see why my services are close to perfect.
Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
No such thing as luck feels like everything is destined for what you work for I like taking off days on Mondays I love leaving the shop early on Saturdays so I can’t get upset if I don’t reach my goals a bit faster than I planned I get what I work for no luck or bad luck. The way you live or project out is what you will attract.
Contact Info:
- Address: 745 w pleasant run Lancaster Tx.
- Website: https://Chasebrooks013.as.me/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chasebrooks013/
Image Credit:
insta; prissy.hindrex
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Teresa Davis
September 11, 2019 at 8:26 pm
Great job I like to see a young African-Americans tentrepreneurs succeed in life great job keep up the great work also keep pushing forward for bigger and better things