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Meet Cynthia Williams of Women Empowering Women in South

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cynthia Williams.

Cynthia, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
This organization was formed based upon my life experience of being a teen mom and watching my mother suffer as a victim of domestic violence. As a teen mom, I was determined to graduate high school with my classmates and not be a statistic. I refused to be yet another teen mom to drop out of high school or continue the cycle of being a victim of domestic violence. I worked hard, I graduated high school with my class and went on to attend a Jr. College. I got married at a young age, but that marriage dissolved after seven years. As a single mother, I was determined to succeed in life. While working to gain knowledge and work experience, I notice other single young mothers frustrated and angry about their situations. They wanted to give up because they didn’t believe they could get past their mistakes.

I found myself sharing my story and telling others they can make it. All it takes is determination and a good support system. I could relate when I would hear comments like I have little or no work experience or I don’t have a degree and most jobs wanted both. As a personnel manager, I recalled a conversation I had with a young mother. She said to me “I have no experience just by being a cashier.” I begin to encourage her by saying you have customer service skills, ten key by touch, and sight, cash handling, inventory control, you work well independently, and with a team. You train new cashiers, so that makes you a trainer as well. She replied, “I did not see it that way.”

I wanted to encourage her to be proud of the skills she gained and not to downplay them. I encouraged her to build upon those skills with learning new ones. It was about building her up at the very moment – she needed it. After a tragic life experience (the loss of my only child), I just existed. I didn’t have the strength to grow to my full potential. It was through WEW, Inc., that, I was reminded of the power of empowerment! I was reminded of what this organization was formed to do in the first place, women empowering women. Through the support I received, I went on to graduate from a university with two degrees, became a minister, speaker and a published author of a book titled “This is Crazy.” I am an example of a teen mom who grew up in a domestic environment who beat the odds.

WEW, Inc., assists individuals with the necessary resources and supports to help them get through some of the challenges that life may throw their way. We encourage others to live up to their full potential through the programs we offer and partnership with others. By sharing our stories and supporting others towards their victories, and by helping women and children to be their best and to give back to their communities by helping others.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth road, absolutely not! There has been many bumps and detours along the way. At times becoming overwhelming to the point of wanting to quit and give up! Oftentimes self-doubt sets in, and you wonder if anyone will support you. Many questions go through your mind. Things like am I good enough? Will people believe in and support your cause? Will you have the resources to get everything done? We are a 501 C3 non-profit organization, and finances have always been a concern.

The ongoing lack of funding has caused us to close our office space, made it difficult to purchase needed equipment and tools, and has caused members to use their own money to provide the various programs to the communities we serve. On several occasions, my husband and I even maxed out our credit cards to keep the organization functioning. I am grateful for the bumps. Despite, the challenges the passion, drive, and determination are what keeps me going.

When things get too cumbersome, I just stop and refocus on what God said! I look in the mirror and say I believe God. I focus on the promise and reprioritize. On the bumpy road, you learn who you are. Each bump has been a stepping stone of life lessons. You will experience good and bad days, but you must keep moving! You must trust God and use your Faith! I learn the meaning of bouncing back when two events happened in my life. One, my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson Disease at the age of 42. Secondly, my world shattered when my only child died, but God!

Sadly, people who started with you will come and go on the road that you travel. It does not always feel good when people leave; however, you later learn it was necessary for your growth and you appreciate the contribution they made in your life. We have an amazing group of people who are passionate about what we do. I must say our WEW, Inc., team Rocks!

Women Empowering Women (WEW, Inc.) – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Women Empowering Women for the Next Generation Ministries (WEW, Inc.) was founded in February 2005 by Cynthia McCarter-Williams. WEW, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c) (3) tax-exempt corporation. It is a faith-based organization that offers self-help, spiritual renewal, and enrichment programs for women, and children.

Our community outreach programs are designed to help those in need. Through collaboration with other organizations, WEW, Inc., is not only able to provide a variety of services and programs for women; but, able to provide life-changing experiences towards self-love and self-sufficiency.

Our programs are in conjunction with other agencies that offer training, and developmental programs for a healthier and more productive life. We offer Empowerment and Life-Skills Classes, Project Hope, Room Makeover, Seminars, and Conferences. Our community outreach service includes empowerment classes, such as Skills Training, Life after Loss, Youthquake, and Write the Vision.

Join us for these annual events we host or support: WEW Prayer Breakfast, PaJama Praise, WEW Thanksgiving Turkey Drive, and Susan G. Komen (Race for The Cure).

We are known for consistency in empowering and building people through our programs or events such as our room makeovers, pajama praise, prayer breakfast, and annual turkey drive. We are especially excited about our new program called Project Hope. Below is information about each:

The WEW Room Makeover is a program designed to go into the community and make over a space for a deserving person. The purpose of this program is to help improve quality of life through a beautiful space with the desire to change the trajectory of the person’s life. We seek to empower lives and to restore hope for the betterment. When the recipient allows us into their space, we can determine, if there is a greater need. Often, we offer hope, help build self-esteem, and restore confidence. Our ultimate goal is to help rebuild the foundation of their life and to help navigate the person through the barriers that keep them from living life to the full potential. It may start out as a makeover, but to the recipient, it’s a new start.

The Hope Project is a unique program for domestic violence survivors. Our desire is to transform a space/s in shelters and homes for families in transition. Many women and children escape with only the clothes on their backs. We hope to relieve some stress of women and children during very stressful times, by providing hope through a beautifully decorated space. We partner with organizations and shelters serving domestic violence survivors to empower lives and restore hope for the betterment.

Pajama Praise is a two-day gathering that provides spiritual renewal and refreshment. This movement will bring women and girls together to praise God in their PJ’s. It’s a night of fun and fellowship! They will be empowered, by Godly principles, be pampered, restored, and refreshed!

Turkey Drive- Our goal is to collect and feed 100 families or more for the Thanksgiving holiday. We know we cannot do this along, together we can do more! We will team up with others as a collaborative effort to be a blessing and show the love of God.

I am most proud when an individual comes back and say thank you! Thank you, for helping to change my life! I am proud of the WEW team and the way we work together to meet the needs of those we serve. We foster an environment where we serve in excellence, and we hold each other accountable to make sure we deliver excellence while impacting lives.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
NJ Stevenson, Ebbys Touch, Portrait Innovations

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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