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Meet Hannah Steiner of High Brew Coffee

Today we’d like to introduce you to Hannah Steiner.

Hannah, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Everything started with Red Bull. I got to have the coolest college job ever, being a Student Brand Manager for the company, and quickly figured out that marketing was what I wanted to do.

I had changed my major multiple times, and after discovering that I could have fun and work on these crazy awesome events with incredible people, and get paid to do it, I was sold. Throw in additional jobs with startups, college media, and Central Track, and it was the best few years of chaos I could’ve asked for.

By the time I graduated and immediately started grad school, I got a message on my LinkedIn from High Brew Coffee asking if I would be interested in their Field Marketing Manager position for Dallas, said yes, and it’s been a wild two years of slinging the best canned cold brew in the country since.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
While I’m definitely blessed, it’s hard in this industry (and every industry, really) as a woman, and especially a young one! I’ve got my own share of #MeToo stories, as do most of the women around me, and it’s been a tough balance between my urge to speak out and the need to protect my career.

The biggest enemy though is time; there’s never enough of it! I’m currently a full-time MBA student, with a full-time Field Marketing job at High Brew Coffee, involved in the hackathon scene as part of HackDFW, plus volunteering, leading a stand-up paddleboard tour for DFW Surf, a house I can’t stop renovating, and a corgi to corral.

It can be a lot, and it takes a village of supportive friends, family, and co-workers to get through it all some days but I’ve gotten to know myself a lot better and know what I can handle. I took 2017 off from graduate school to get my bearings again and breathe, and then it was back to full steam ahead.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the High Brew Coffee story. Tell us more about the business.
I’ve found my niche in Field Marketing, and as others have (jokingly) pointed out, it seems to be specifically 8 oz. caffeinated beverages as that’s where I’ve built my career the last 5 years.

As a Field Marketing Manager, I do a variety of things from event management, running teams of brand ambassadors, work with the sales teams, and more, but I’ve always felt my strength was in partnerships. Whether it’s with people or brands, I love the feeling of being able to create something together and find ways to build each other up instead of stay isolated or compete.

I’m most proud of the personal connections and network. This has fostered, most of my closest friends are people that I met with for work, and it just went from there! This work has brought me into the most welcoming community of creatives, marketers, brands, and bloggers that I will always be thankful for. I’ve tried to give back and do my part via my regular happy hour networking series, focusing on connecting new people and encouraging collaboration.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I don’t fully believe in luck, instead, it’s all about taking every opportunity you can find, staying positive, being kind to everyone you meet, and working hard. That’s how you open doors, and that’s how I’ve found my success personally and professionally, and while morbid, I hope to eventually leave behind a legacy that speaks to that belief.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @ohhannahdear

Image Credit:
Kathy Tran, Brandon LaJoie, Danny Braught, Sophie Lu

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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