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Meet Kaitlyn Fleming

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kaitlyn Fleming. 

Hi Kaitlyn, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
If you ask my mom, she can pull up bunches of photos of me when I was little with a camera in my hand. I always knew I wanted to be creative when I grew up, but I never knew it would lead me here. 

Since 2020, I’ve worked my butt off to create a business and a name for myself. Kaitlyn Fleming Photography is a Covid business — but not the kind that you’re thinking of. During March of 2020, I was stuck at home with nothing to do, just like everyone else. I had always had a strong passion for photography and had photo shoots every now and then, but nothing serious. I decided to haul out my computer and redesign my website, actually post on my Instagram business account for once, create a Facebook page, and all that jazz. Come March of 2022, I quit my full-time job to pursue my passion, and now I’m the owner, accountant, marketing manager, website designer, etc. of my very own full-time business, Kaitlyn Fleming Photography… Crazy, I know. 

Now I have three to six photo sessions a week and am meeting the most amazing people, such as Shaina Willingham. She’s not only my best friend but my best model. You could call us your favorite photographer/model dynamic duo. Without her, I wouldn’t have figured out how to do things as little as how to be stay trendy on Instagram, even though, according to her, I still may need some help in that area. 

Today, her and I do this thing called Unsponsored Obsession. We go to small businesses such as Tiki Loco in Deep Ellum, Judy Pie in Grapevine, or RollerWorld NorthEast in Haltom City, and with their permission, we have a full-blown photo shoot inside their facility. After that, we post it everywhere, and I mean everywhere, with the hopes of bringing more attention to these amazing small businesses. 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Creating and maintaining any business is never smooth sailing. After launching my business full-time in March of this year, I was scared. Ask my mom, I cried — like REALLY cried. I had no idea if this was going to work. I mean, I don’t work for anyone else but myself, and it’s not like I have a team of employees that can help me edit or schedule sessions, or send out emails. I felt like I was doing this all by myself, and in a sense, I was, but I had a whole community of people that had my back along the way. Let’s just say, if anyone ever tells you this whole “entrepreneurship thing” is easy, they’re lying…. But I will say, it is so worth it, and the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. 

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’ve always loved working with people. Just making connections and seeing their faces light up when I’ve created something incredible for them, there’s no feeling like it. It’s the reason I do what I do. I love taking photos for people and building memories for them. I do everything from senior portraits, to maternity, to family photos, and even weddings and more. As I like to tell everyone, “If it involves people, I’ll photograph it.” My motto is to create a lifetime of memories within every photo. 

Not only do I enjoy taking photos of other people, but I love taking photos of myself. I’m a huge mental health advocate and I believe self-portraits play a huge role in that. Self-portraits are huge in a photographer’s career. If you don’t feel confident taking photos of yourself, how can you expect to feel confident while taking photos of other people? Ever since I began my self-portrait journey, not only has my confidence and self-esteem boosted but so has my clientele and my business in itself. 

Everyone always points out at the fact that I’m young. Yes, I’m 21 years old… and I always get a “wow” or a gasp. These days, you need young, fresh, and creative minds to be the entrepreneurs of our day. I’ve had clients scared that their photos won’t turn out well because of how young I am. But I’ve also had clients say how helpful it is because I always have my phone on hand, so I always respond to their emails within minutes. Or when I’m taking photos for a high school senior and they say how they’re so happy they have someone who can relate to them and is easy to talk to, rather than working with someone who is twice their age. And at the age of 21 years old, I’m proud to say, I have my own full-time business, I’ve been featured in six magazines for my work, and that I freaking love what I do — and I think that’s what sets be apart. 

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I love collaborating and creating new photos with new people, whether it’s professional models or a six-year-old, it’s always such an incredible experience. Getting those Instagram DMs or emails asking if people want to collaborate or work with me, always ignite a fun creative spark in me. After every session, I always enjoy scrolling on social media and seeing that they posted my photos, it never fails to warm my heart. 


  • Senior Portraits: $215.00 – $950.00
  • Family Portraits: $165.00 – $1500.00
  • Couples Portraits: $165.00 – $575.00
  • Generic Portraits: $150.00 – $550.00

Contact Info:

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