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Meet Kim Robinson of Kims Publishing in Breckenridge

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kim Robinson.

Kim, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
The Miracle that is Eva Miles Ministry

I am going to share the story of how I met a remarkable woman, Eva Miles. She was a tremendous help to me in the past and I am compelled to support her ministries, www.AWAYOUTPROJECT.ORG which supports Anna’s House, a shelter for women and families who need help reinventing themselves.

The time….. was the late 1980’s and I was traveling through Dallas, Texas. This was no vacation; I was on the run from the law with an abusive man, Tim who was being hunted by the FBI. You can read about this in my novel, Street Life to Housewife.

Eva had a small boutique in Garland when we were introduced. She needed a seamstress which I just happened to be and still am. Eva saw from my missing front tooth, and black eye that the relationship I was in was not one that I was going to benefit from and told me, “Let me know when you want to break away from this pimp and I will help you. My missing front tooth did nothing to help me make money in the fast lane I was living in. Eva got me in touch with a dentist to replace the tooth, helped us find an apartment and got me jobs sewing. Tim was eventually caught and I ended up in jail for something I did not do. When things were worked out about the wrongful incarceration and I was released three months later, Eva opened her home to me. Her mom, Anna reminded me of my own grandmother, Helen who you can read about in my novel The Roux in the Gumbo which just came out on audio, ebook, and print, Those family matriarchs were something else, You can read about she shared lot’s of wisdom over her near bear. I soon felt like one of the family.

Eva spent many an evening talking to me about the dangers of being a call girl. She did not understand that with my education and skills, why I was taking these life-threatening, penitentiary risks. By the time Tim was released, I had a new wonderful man encouraging me to change my life despite Tim’s threats to kill him. I don’t know what Eva did, but the threats stopped and I never heard from Tim again. My new man paid for me to go into a drug rehabilitation where I worked out a lot of my demons. The counselor advised me to find a church home. This was not going to be easy for me as I was a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I had repressed the memory of being raped by a preacher at the age of five and was very uncomfortable in churches. I could not sit in one for more than a few minutes without reliving that tragedy. I visited several churches, including Eva’s home church. Eva was always a phone call away when I needed someone to talk to.

The thing about this woman was that she never once made me feel like she was judging me, it was actually her spirit which lifted me up and assured me that I was capable of change. We lost touch, during which time I married and had two children and attended school to learn computers and started writing books and teaching sewing classes. I was at a Plano hot air balloon festival with my husband when I ran into Eva. When we talked the next week she told me about the tragedy of her shelter burning down,… After all the blessings that had been bestowed on me largely due to Eva’s help, there was no hesitation, I was all in. They needed clothes, well I had plenty of those since I never stopped sewing. I reached out to friends and called her to pick up five garbage bags of clothes.

I know that Eva’s ministry makes a difference. This tiny woman has an aura that makes you feel as though you can accomplish anything, and that anyone who judges you because of your past is just flat out wrong, I am living proof. She asked if I would be willing to share my experiences and testimony with women who just need a person to inspire and give them the courage and confidence to grow. She has helped several of my friends with marketing through her affiliation with which has proven to be invaluable. I reached out to authors to purchase vending tables at her fundraising events and we donated books and gave donations. I also have been a guest on and support the radio station where she broadcasts community events

There are women trapped in abusive relationships, children being physically, mentally and sexually abused. Eva is making a difference by providing a safe place for them.

Please think real hard about what you can do to help this ministry. Anything you give comes back tenfold.

You can speak to Eva about how you can be a blessing. 214 650 7065

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The fire was a tragedy and finding other homes to shelter the women was not easy, but she did it. Keeping the door open and getting people to donate their time and resources.

Please tell us about Kims Publishing.
A Way Out Project organization helps battered and abused women and children and people reentering society after incarceration.

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
Inspiration, hope.

Contact Info:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment

  1. Beverly Leonard

    August 15, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    Wow! What a great article on two great women! Bless Ms. Eva for being a blessing to Kim and many. Same for Kim! I’ve never met either. Kim is my fb friend. What beautiful spirts! Kindred Spirits! Loving spirits! I’ve read Kim’s book, “The Roux in the Gumbo.” Loved it! I’m behind and need to catch up. Kim is truly a very talented lady, and she shares info with others that she thinks will benefit them. I’m an author/Poet and she has always been supportive! Thanks, Kim! May God continue to bless you and Ms. Eva to continue to be a blessing to others! ❤️

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