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Meet Mary Starnes

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mary Starnes.

Mary, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My story began as an abused child of an alcoholic father. I ran away from home at the age of eight and I started using Meth by the time I was 13. I have been to prison four times and was an addict for 30 years. Now, I have been clean for 11 years and I go into Correctional Facilities to encourage women to change their lives. I started writing my life story so that I could help others and I hope to get it published. I do PR work for Tina Washington from Desoto so that she can get her Boutique started so that we can help others. She is an amazing seamstress, designer, and Poet as well as many other things. My dream is to publish my book, open an Inmate Art store and help Tina open her Boutique.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
The struggle that I have faced is not having the money to get a place to put inmate art, and the money to publish my book. No one wants to give me a chance because I am a felon and a recovering addict with 11 years clean time. Another struggle has been because I have been spending a substantial amount of time in the last four years trying to get my friend Tina Washington interviewed and trying to find an investor for her. She is an amazing seamstress and designer and much more. I got out of prison in January 2014 and when I got out no one would give me a job, my mother died shortly after my release and our house burned down and we had no insurance and we couldn’t get anyone to rent to us as I am a felon and we have been caring for my 89-year-old mother-in-law for the last 13 years. I finally got a job through a company then someone hit me on my way home from work one day. I was driving 60 MPH as was the person who hit me and I was pushed into a concrete wall and bounced back and hit another and the other driver kept going. By the grace of God, I did not have a scratch on me and I was able to drive my car home. I only had liability insurance so I had to buy another car so all of my extra money went to car payments, full coverage insurance so I could not spend money on my book or anything else.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
It is my desire to open an Inmate Art store where I can sell some amazing inmate art and help some of them with money to help them support themselves. It may also help them to get recognition so that when they get out, they can do something positive with their art. I also desire to publish my book so that I can help through Prison Ministry. But, I am also trying to help my friend Tina Washington to open her Boutique which would help me and many other people. I am known for doing PR work for Tina and helping others. I am proud of going into the Correctional Facilities and encouraging others to change their lives, trying to help promote Tina and overcoming my past and trying to publish my book so I can help others. What sets me (us) apart from others? We have both overcome many obstacles and we REFUSE to give up! Tina uses used clothing to make awesome designs and beautiful clothing. We are trying to not only help those in our community but also we are helping felons who no one else wants to help which in turn helps the community! My book will be called Through The Heart!

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
First, I thank God for giving me the courage to overcome my past! I have had many people who have encouraged me to go after what I want. Tina Washington has faith in my ability to be a good PR person for her and her business and encourages me to get my book published. Joyce Delaney gave me encouragement while I was in prison and taught me that I can do or be anything I desire if I want it bad enough! Most importantly, she taught me to love myself. Merry Fuller has been kind enough to help me edit my book so now it is almost done. DeAnne Barber who is huge in prison ministry has encouraged me and insists that I can and will do all that I set out to achieve. I think that one of my biggest cheerleaders is Linda Strom who started the faith-based dorms in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice without whom I am sure I would not be the person I am today. She is the one who started Discipleship Unlimited Ministries which is with whom many go into prison and speak to the women to encourage them to change their lives. The people she takes in are felons who have successfully changed their lives. But most of all, the love and support of my oldest daughter Mary Larson makes me strive for all of my goals to be met.  My church Rosen Heights Baptist Church  and my pastor Inavi Jimo and his wife Florence. They have helped my husband and I  so much especially  when  our house  burned down

Contact Info:

  • Address: 3116 Pueblo Trail Fort Worth, Texas
  • Phone: 8173449686
  • Email:

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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