Today, we’d like to introduce you to Mary Villarreal. Mary was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Elizabeth Cervantes.
Mary , can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Back on March 2018 I decided to have Bariatric surgery to better my health. I did great would exercise everyday eat well. Then in November I had my routine mammogram was told I needed a biopsy. Had it was told it was cancer. Could not believe it since I felt I was in the best health ever. Went for a second opinion turned out I had invasive mammary carcinoma. Stage 1 grade 3. This was in January of 2019. Was told I needed surgery before any treatment. Had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction in March 2019 after resolving all issues with insurance. At the end of April I started chemotherapy. Dr said I was gonna need help getting up to go to bathrooms. I said to God you have the last word and we will prove this Dr wrong. So I went thru 6 rounds of chemo continued to work. Didn’t need help getting out of bed. Yes the treatment was a tough one but God helped me thru it. After chemo I had 28 rounds of radiation. Still having to get an infusion once a month for a whole year. When COVID started I was still going through treatment and I continued to work. I’m a pharmacy technician at a hospital.
Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
I’ve been a pharmacy technician for 21 years going on 22 years next month. I work at a hospital where I work the graveyard shift. I’ve been working there for almost 21 years. I love what I do. I see my patients as if they were my family.
Elizabeth Cervantes and KAVICOSMETIX have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Elizabeth Cervantes and KAVICOSMETIX and your experience with them.
My experience with Elizabeth/Kavicosmetix started when she messaged me on Instagram. I was currently going thru chemotherapy and she asked if she could send me one of her products for the growth of my hair since I had lost it all during chemotherapy. I said sure so Elizabeth said let me know when you are done with treatment so I can send it to you. I finished my treatment but I was embarrassed to message her and tell her ok give the free product. But she messaged me and asked how I was doing and to see if I had finished treatment. I said yes I’m done so she asked for my info and sent me her product. She kept in touch with me always asking how I was doing. As soon as I received Like Silk which is the product she sent me. I applied it to my bald head which had no hair. My hair was taking really long to come out. After a week I had a peach fuzz coming out. Went to San Antonio for one of my follow ups and met with Elizabeth. So we’ve kept in touch all this time
Instagram: Mary71v
Facebook: Mary Villarreal (Juju)