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Meet Melanie White of MadexMlnie in Frisco

Today we’d like to introduce you to Melanie White.

Melanie, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I have always expressed myself through art since I was young. I was in theatre and art classes, and I jumped at any opportunity to be social and creative. In middle school, I was introduced to software like Photoshop and Final Cut Pro and enjoyed filming videos, editing and writing scripts for class with my friends. I continued this through high school, adopting skills in Adobe Premiere Pro and making my own short films. While my focus was film, I knew my way around Photoshop and found myself using it so often for casual things such as flyers or editing photos. In summer 2019, I had taken some art classes that pushed me to try different types of art mediums, from painting to drawing and photography. While completing class projects and walking around the art building, I began to pay attention to which art interested me the most and what art I was inspired by.

Back then, I wasn’t sure what a graphic designer’s job description was exactly, but looking around that building, I found myself interested in the technical considerations gone into the visually engaging and interesting informational flyers/posters I saw hanging up. In March, at the beginning of quarantine, I decided to start illustrating, as I wanted to get back into drawing without all the eraser marks and tracing. Just an un-do button. Somewhere along the road, I realized that illustration is just graphic design, and graphic design was something I could do and be good at. I decided to change my course of study and set my sights on graphic design, which I am still very much in love with. We haven’t even cracked the surface to all I will learn and know in the future.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Now in my senior year of college as a media arts major, changing my major to graphic design isn’t an option. I’ve had to seek lessons and tutorials out through platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Skillshare and YouTube, which has been helpful, but it’s difficult trying to teach yourself. You don’t know exactly what you need to know or what employers expect you to know. I sometimes feel like I’m behind in the game but I know that skills take time to learn and hone, and everyone goes at their own pace.

MadexMlnie – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
My business is called MLNIE because I am the business, and I have more than one thing to offer. On the one hand, I make graphic posters and (hopefully in the future) T-shirts. I like to center my art around space and film/television, often including my own illustrations. On the other hand, photography and film will always light a fire in me. I have learned so much about both in the past that I can’t let them go, therefore, I have a few services to offer. I’m setting myself to be the triple threat that I know I will be graphic designer, photographer and videographer. What makes me most proud about my business is that all of these began as hobbies, things I did when I was bored. Without realizing it, I’ve found a purpose for my hands and now I get to do what I love for the rest of my life.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
To me, success means happiness. I used to want to be famous, living in Hollywood among celebrities, but now I’m seeking to feel full in life. Full of love, comfort, and satisfaction.

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