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Meet Michael Pulido of M&P Creative in Irving

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Pulido.

Michael, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I was raised by my grandparents (from here to be known as mom and dad) since birth (1976) and then legally adopted by them when I was 10. My dad (a musician) my mom (a stay at home mom and healer / gardener) both taught me everything they knew. From how to play the guitar, build furniture, garden, cook, respect people, and heal. Neither one of them ever attended any formal school nor were we poor so education and hard work were at the heart of everything I tried. They loved me and allowed me to express myself which is how I started down this path. I was not a good student. I was horrible actually. I did well enough however, to get accepted into the Arts program in grade school and was accepted into Art’s Magnet a.k.a. Booker T. Washington High school for the performing and visual arts as a guitar major. There I learned so much about so much and I absorbed it all. Then I applied it. The most important thing I learned is what my passion was. I always thought it was the guitar. The Integration of Abilities class at Arts Magnet taught me that my passion was creating… Anything! I knew I could not afford college and I didn’t have the desire to make it happen either. I worked pretty much a full time job all four years of high school and I knew I was done “working.” I knew that what Ii had to do was dynamic.

So, I started my first artist development and concept development business Timidsoul Productions the year I graduated (1995). I wanted to help people who didn’t have resources, courage, or support now they call it being an executive coach or life coaching. After a few years I added a recording studio (Studio 2 A.M.) so that I could actually produce the content I was developing for my clients — now I can actually produce and distribute. This was a game changer as I was taking clients many steps farther than my competitors without having to outsource. Finally after I married (Pia Pulido) I started what is now the umbrella company M&P Creative. M&P Creative specializes in decisive action planning, content production, and business development. We take a client from their basic idea and help them turn those ideas into not only reality but a dream come true.

We only need to know one thing: How can we help you execute your idea?

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
If by smooth you mean chaos and thunder and hurricane storms? Then yes. Very smooth indeed. Being raised and adopted by my grandparents came with a lot of trials. They already had 7 children all grown and out of the house. A few had resentment and made life miserable. I was actually told that they (mom and dad) were too old and that I would be their cause of death. This is how I developed insomnia. I would keep myself awake in fear that they would be dead when I woke up. I would practice loud just so they would get up to tell me to turn things down. We survived. I became a full time single father at 22 which came with a bit of baby mamma drama. He is now a marine and I am bragging now.

His birth led to me becoming a producer as I was able to be home and work. I still had to keep a full time job at first so sleep was never available anyway. When I started Studio 2 A.M. all of my clients had jobs so we would work into the early morning. Even in high school my schedule was school by 6:30 a.m., home by 4:00p.m., work by 5p.m., back home by 12a.m. and then homework and practice. By that time it was 2a.m. and that’s the latest I could stay up and still function the next morning. I named my studio (Studio 2 A.M.) in high school. After I got married my wife Pia and I started M&P Creative for Michael and Pia creative. This expanded our publishing capabilities which was very good but also brought a whole new set of problems to solve.

So if you can imagine all the problems of a marriage, a blended family, amplified by in-law insanity on top of creative energy. We have been through many hard times to say the least. I love the quote: “The most beautiful life is created by varying degrees of stress.” I can’t remember who said it but it makes me feel a lot better knowing I have a very beautiful life. We have a very diverse company to show for it.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
M and P Creative / Michael and Pia are Creative Consultants / Executive Coaches. We specialize in decisive action planning, production, and helping people execute their ideas. We run a media / business development and content production company. Although we are in Irving I am an Oak Cliff native. I do serve Dallas (see for our latest testimonial. I also work for a South Dallas non-profit which keeps me informed and involved.

M&P breaks into 3 categories.
1. Business: Creative Consulting: Business development, risk management, marketing & decisive action planning
2. Education: curriculum writing, educational product development, music and language arts teachers
3. Media & Content production: recording, arranging, composing, pre-production, publishing, Branding

Client NDAs limit what we can say but currently we are producing a play which will also be a shot film titled Dream Gate Lullaby. Thriller, cerebra, science fiction genre. We are also publishing a 4th book Stick Man Soli. Audio book with narration and musical score. Poetry, Self-help, love & Romance, Science Fiction. Studio 2 A.M. Artist ‘Sir Tay Lovic’ will be releasing his debut single in July to promote his upcoming body of work ‘A letter to the Knight of YPSI’. Overall I am most proud that I am running a business with my wife and its working. I never let not having a college degree stop me. I’ve held positions that called for a masters but my work and proof of concept overcame those boundaries.

This year 2018 I am most proud of gaining new partners in Europe. What sets us apart from others is one we do not need to outsource our creative / production work. We are fast, efficient, and offer maximum availability. We are idea machines with the talent and diverse experience to bring those ideas to life. My insomnia actually helps in turnaround time in this regard. I work as a means to cope with being awake. Ha. Now the secret is out.

What were you like growing up?
Introvert. Shy. I was always a music lover always tapping or humming anywhere and on anything. I was a bit of a loner. I worked hard and was intense and always practicing or writing. I used to skate board and break dance in Jr. High. I was in a few bands which helped me overcome my social anxieties.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Z. Davleen, Pia Pulido, Michael Pulido

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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