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Meet Michelle Nguyen of Shell N in Midtown Dallas

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle Nguyen.

Michelle, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I started sewing at a young age altering clothes and got into fashion design about six years ago. It was a hobby that manifested into a passion as I continuously seeked to improve my technical and design skills. I taught myself how to sew and draft fashion patterns through the years. After several years of making clothes for myself, my family and friends, and clients I decided I wanted to make my own designs which led the way to creating my first collection. It was a small four-piece collection but I had so much fun and learned a lot that I just wanted to get better and make it bigger each time. At the same time, I was working full time as an academic advisor at a community college and spent the majority of my free time creating on the side. It took a long time to make the jump but I knew I wouldn’t be able to grow if I couldn’t commit all the way. So, about two months ago, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life and used savings I had towards a house to invest in myself and my brand. This is where I am now, I’m still at the beginning stages of my fashion career but I am excited and empowered to see what I can accomplish. I’m currently working on a custom wedding dress, creating pieces for a pre-fall collection, and navigating the world of business marketing.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I don’t believe anything worth doing is going to be smooth. The biggest struggle I faced was making the leap into the fashion industry. I was in a stable and comfortable job, however, there was always a part of me that wanted to show my creativity and work towards something that I created and built myself. I would play out in my head the positive and negative scenarios over and over for years, scaring myself out of the risk and sticking to the familiar. After working a few years and getting what I could out of my day job; I re-evaluated the worst case scenarios which no longer scared me but, in turn, motivated me. This was what led me to quit my job and focus on fashion full time. I’m facing struggles daily as I juggle being a fashion designer and running my own business, but these struggles are minimal compared to the fear of quitting my safety net. I know I will continue to face struggles but I’m ready for them because after every struggle you learn something new.

Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
I’m a fashion designer and my company, Shell N, is a petite fashion brand of dresses and evening wear for women who are 5’4” and under. I realized that there is a gap in the fashion industry for petite shoppers and was confirmed after speaking with family and friends. After understanding their struggles with finding clothes that fit and are age appropriate I knew this is something I can confidently offer because I have first-hand insight from petite shoppers. I am also focusing on producing a fashion brand that is environmentally friendly as I believe fashion should enhance our world and not damage it.

I’m proud that my brand can offer not only clothes that check the list for petite shoppers but can also provide confidence and happiness to customers who are proud to show off their style in whatever size they are. I also want to showcase petite models on the runway and in print because they are a large population of women who also want to see people like them in the fashion industry.

There are very few brands out there catering solely to petite shoppers. I’m one of the few while also creating an environmentally friendly fashion brand. I believe in quality design and construction, currently, I’m making every piece by hand and plan to follow this model in the future with quality seamstresses. My brand also offers complimentary hemming since this is a big concern for petite shoppers, the cost of alterations usually deter shoppers from even considering a piece they really like.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
Thanks for asking this question, I think it’s so important to recognize all the meaningful people along the way. I’m very thankful to have my sister, Trinh, by my side, she’s always been encouraging of my fashion eye and skills. She is my muse, assistant, seamstress, model, pretty much anything I need. Secondly, my best friend, Steve, he’s been there since the start also, always encouraging me and willing to go along with any silly ideas I have. He’s my creative director, helping me look for models and working with them, being my photographer when I need it and helping to direct photoshoots. I’m also thankful for my boyfriend, Michael, he’s taken an interest in my hobby since we first met and really is the one that made me realize that my hobby can be more than a hobby. He gave me his space to work in and I can always count on him to be honest with me (sometimes a little too honest but definitely needed). There are a lot more who has supported and encouraged me every step of the way that I’m very thankful for!

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram: shellnfashion

Image Credit:

Lanie Lucas, Nhan Nguyen, Charlie Brown, Steve Khounvivongski

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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