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Meet Sadie St. Lawrence, Ashley Scott, Rajvi Mehta and Deni St. Lawrence of Women in Data

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sadie St. Lawrence, Ashley Scott, Rajvi Mehta and Deni St. Lawrence.

Women in Data started in the fall of 2015 with a small group of women but a big vision. At the time, the founder of Women in Data, Sadie St. Lawrence, was attending grad school in analytics and noticed the disparity of women in the field. She felt this was a major issue that needed to be resolved as the future of jobs all would involve basic data literacy. Therefore, Women in Data was formed with the mission to increase diversity in data careers. Today, Women in Data is in 11 countries and 32 different cities, Dallas being one of those cities.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No road is smooth, but every bump along the way leads us to where we are supposed to go. We have wanted things to move a lot faster with Women in Data, but looking back, the timing has been perfect.

Women in Data – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Women in Data offer three pillars of service. One is to spread awareness through thought leadership events and networking opportunities. Second is education; we provide residency programs, virtual studies, life, and career coaching. Thirdly is a chance to access opportunities through our exclusive job board, career track modules, and leadership opportunities.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
Ashley: One of my proudest moments is when I did my first public speaking engagement at the Women in Data Symposium. When I was in business school, I used data to consult on large scale projects such as advising a tertiary healthcare system in Tanzania, East Africa, and creating a graduate-level concentration at my business school. When I shared some of these experiences, Women in Data encouraged me to be on their panel. With this experience, I gained the confidence to discuss the importance of choosing the right path for you, connect with women trailblazers in data, business, technology, science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and create my brand, Data Girl.

Rajvi: My proud moment is when a Woman in Data member tells me how this organization has changed their life for the good. The first time this happened, I was pretty new to this organization, and a young woman came up to me to tell me that they landed their first job in a big tech firm through this organization. I have come to realize that providing a sense of community where everyone feels like they “belong” is extremely powerful. We have the opportunity to uplift ourselves by uplifting others.

Deni: I get to interact with all of our chapters, so my proudest accomplishment is when women join WiD and want to start a chapter within their city. I see the common goals, dreams, and aspirations that we all share but I also see a diverse group of ladies who have an impact on the future generations of women in data. This community is very empowering and I can’t wait to see the growth in the years to come.


  • Community Access ($4/month or $30/year)
  • Member ($18/month or $120/year)
  • Ambassador ($2,000/year)

Contact Info:

Sadie St. Lawrence

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