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Meet Stevie Jackson of Bronzed Babes Airbrush Tans in McKinney

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stevie Jackson.

Stevie, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. About 11 years ago I saw a dermatologist and found out that I needed to have two precancerous moles removed out of my back. It made me realize that I needed to start avoiding UV rays as much as possible. Naturally I’m a fair skinned strawberry blonde, so I should not be in the sun. I burn easily. So, I discovered spray tanning. I couldn’t believe there was finally a way to get a glow without damaging my skin. I quickly fell in love & spray tanned in booths at salons for years.

Fast forward to 2014, I was a stay at home mom, really wanting to work again.  I couldn’t go back to a full-time office job.  I knew that I wanted to do something that I had a passion for, while making my own schedule. I had recently discovered airbrush tans and saw how much more natural they looked than the booth tans. So I decided to start a mobile service offering airbrush tans to people at their homes, and that’s how Bronzed Babes Airbrush Tans was born.  I couldn’t believe how happy it made me to help other people feel more confident. After about six months of building a clientele, our family decided to move to McKinney, TX. I wasn’t sure how my business would do here honestly, but it ended up doing very well from the start. I started out doing only mobile service and built up my clientele pretty quick by word of mouth. My amazing clients would refer me on Facebook mom groups and to their friends, and word just kept spreading. I haven’t spent a dime on advertising, word of mouth and social media have been all that I need. When I was in my third trimester with my third son in 2016, I decided to open a studio and stop mobile service while he was an infant. I now mainly spray in studio, but in the past year I added mobile service back on the menu. I now know that this is the career I was made for, and I have the best clients EVER.  I love what I do.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Honestly, it has been a pretty smooth road overall.  One of my main struggles was not knowing anyone else who did tans for the longest time, and sometimes having questions that I couldn’t find answers to.  It’s a relatively new industry and when I first started in 2014 it wasn’t nearly as popular. That lead me to solving all of my problems on my own, and perfecting my technique only by hands on experience.  I’m a one woman show and run every aspect of my business on my own. So I guess another struggle has been balancing everything alone while maintaining customer service and continuing to deliver gorgeous tans.

Please tell us about Bronzed Babes Airbrush Tans.
At Bronzed Babes Airbrush Tans you will be sprayed with natural solution using organic ingredients, and you will never look orange or streaky.  I have tested MANY spray tan solutions on the market and believe that I use the best of what’s out there. Your tan won’t smell funny and will fade evenly. I specialize in customizing your tan specifically for your skin tone. When I first meet a client, I ask them a series of questions that help me determine what formula I need to blend for their tan. I offer an upgrade for a rapid tan which allows them to shower in half the time or less than the traditional 8 hour shower time.

After every tan, I do a complimentary drying powder to help them feel less sticky until it’s time for them to shower. They can also upgrade to have their full body dusted with the drying powder. It’s the perfect finishing touch and smells amazing. I always make sure to educate my clients on how to prepare for their tans, and also how to take care of their tans afterwards. I think what sets me apart is I treat each and every client like a good friend, and I always want them to feel welcome and safe.  It’s a very intimate service and can be a little nerve-wracking, so I put extra effort into making sure they feel comfortable around me. I never want anyone to feel insecure and do my best to make sure they know they are never being judged. Many of my clients are moms just like me, and we all just want to feel more confident in our post baby bodies. I have a sign on my wall that says “no putting yourself down”. No explanations needed. Just come as you are and let me help you feel even more gorgeous. Besides, I’m not focused on anyone’s flaws, I’m focused on making sure your tan turns out flawless.

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
Yes, I wouldn’t have underestimated how fast I would grow. I would have had my online booking system from day one where people can book on their own.  This is also where I can keep detailed records on each of my clients.  I tried going off memory for the first couple years of my business and that didn’t work so well for me!


  • Basic Babe (Customized Airbrush Tan – wait 8 hours to shower): $30
  • Busy Babe (Customized Airbrush Tan – wait 2-6 hours to shower): $40
  • Buddy Babes (Bring a friend and take $5 off each tan): $25-$35

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Photography: Reba Faye Imagery

Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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