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Meet Swapnil Mahendrakar

Today we’d like to introduce you to Swapnil Mahendrakar.

Swapnil, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
After finishing my studies in India, I really wanted to do something on my own. A little background, I belong to a very influential family in India, hence was very pampered and everything was handed to me on a silver platter. After much resistance from family and society, my new journey started. I started studying for exams and got accepted at TWU in Denton, Texas. I came to the USA in December of 2017. I had no relatives or friends, in-fact I knew nothing. I called the university for a ride, waited 5 hours at the AirPort with two bags and nowhere to go. One of the girls was kind enough and let me stay at her apartment. I had four days t find my own place. So the hunt began.

Until, then I had no clue how to get an apartment, how to drive or what SSN is. With no credit history, whatever cash I had, I gave it for my deposit. I really thought I would get a job and be able to sustain myself. But, unfortunately, I did not get a job. After the first semester, I had only $18 in my account. So I started working off-campus jobs. That summer of 2018, I worked 85 hours/week with nine full-time graduate credit. With hard work and persistence, I was able to manage my summer tuition. In fall 2018, I finally landed up a university job but still continued my off-campus job t pay my tuition fees. By God’s grace, I was able to finish my Dual Masters in MBA/MHA in less than two years with a 4.00 GPA. As I was finishing my master’s, I got an opportunity to serve the US Army. It was exciting but at the same time, very intimidating. But my life’s motto kept me going, “What is life without challenges.” After finishing my boot camp and AIT, I got my first duty station -3rd Special Forces, Fort Bragg, NC. I was their first female combat medic. I was a very challenging and rewarding experience. I served for four years.

As I was finishing the army, my husband, who I met at university, motivated me to try to be a Dentist again in the US. Luckily, I got into one the best University – UPENN, PA. I was blessed with a baby girl the first year of college. As I was finishing my DMD, I got selected to do my Pediatric Dentistry Residency at YALE, CT. That year in 2016, I was blessed with a baby boy. Today, I am very well settled in Texas. I have my own Pediatric Dental practice in Bedford, TX. I have a wonderful husband, two adorable kids and a cute dog name Dollops. My journey was not easy but when I look back, I feel accomplished, I finally was able to achieve something on my own in life!!!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It was most definitely not a smooth road. Coming from a different country, not knowing anyone, carving my own path had its own challenges, but what’s life without challenges – right. When you have no money, that when life teaches you real lessons. From a life where everything was just given to you, I was here trying to survive. I used to work three jobs, survived on Ramen noodles- apparently, I figured out the cheapest food for survival (14 cents per meal)… hahaha I used to walk one mile with the laundry to dorms… coz I didn’t have the money for that and it was free there. Where ever at university there was free food (Pizza) I tried to be there. I had to learn how to drive, which was not easy!!

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a Pediatric Dentist. I specialize in trauma, special needs kids. I’m most proud of my passion for my patients, I never give up. I take up challenges that most other providers won’t. What sets me apart from others is I never give up, I strive for excellence in every little thing I do.

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
Believe in your dreams… even if no one does… Follow your dreams and Never give up!!

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