Today we’d like to introduce you to Tiffany Weaver.
Hi Tiffany, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am from a small town in Oklahoma and been in Dallas since eighth grade. I am number five of eight children. So, that technically makes me a middle child if we think of mathematics. But over the years, I have learned that number two through seven feel the same way since we all fall somewhere between one and eight. None the less, my mom was sent to prison for taking someone’s life when I was only nine years old. You have heard the saying, “they do the crime but often, their kids, do the time!” That is a fact, there is a stigma that is associated with children whose parents have taken someone’s life or any kind of crime. They often tell us prison changed her life and I am reminded that her time in prison saved our lives. And I have to “Thank God” for my “Aunt Faye” who took in my mom’s six children at that time. She is still an Angel!
A few months after going to prison, she had my youngest brother. So, my aunt with her own four kids at the time, took care of eleven kids. My Aunt was only 25. Yes, I said it! Do you know anyone who would take in someone else’s total of seven kids? She is definitely an angel to give up the life her and her children knew at the time for us. Children who had been severely abused and neglected. Not to mention my oldest sister who was left handicapped from being struck by a car at the age of four. This should definitely be a movie coming to a theatre near you soon. So, it was around this time I begin to write my first book about all the turmoil that we suffered as a result of her doing the best could with what she had. There were no good days I can recall before the age of nine years old.
A few years ago, after researching and finding over eight pages of statistics about children like me, who have been polyvictimized. I now realize what the counselor meant when she explained, I was not possible. Whatever could this mean? She explained that kids like me do not make it out. We do not make it out without some form of mental illness. We do not make it out without abusing our children, becoming the abused, or ending up in prison. We do not make it out without the long-term effects of what it means to suffer multiple forms of abuse as a child. I have beat all odds, I lived through abuse that left me with no good memories at all before the age of nine years old. A picture of me before the age of nine years old does not even exist. I dealt with surgeries, being taken from my mom by elementary school counselors, to go to foster care, only to learn I was not good enough for foster care. So, I would always have to go back. I have dealt with sexual violations from the age of 2-3 years old well into my teenage years. I recall being locked in the closet for months once and when I got out, I went to a local carnival, where I entered a pie-eating contest and won. This unexpected photo-op left me the face of the Feed the Hungry Network billboards in Oklahoma.
In 2016, I published my first book entitled, “My Story: The Good, the bad, and the ugly; preparation for my destiny.” This simply means, I had seen, been through, and overcome the good, the bad, and the ugly, for a purpose. It was all necessary for such a time as this. I took my diary as a little girl and turned into a book about healing. I had to go back and acknowledge the little girl who died inside of me. The little girl who grew up thinking she was simply “cursed.” To experience abuse and neglect as I had and numerous suicide attempts. I ran away from Oklahoma to Texas middle of 8th grade when I became a ward of the state of Texas. I was set up and raped in high school by a friend and her brother, then diagnosed with cancer due to the sexual abuse as a child. The cancer diagnosis said I would never have children. I feel like I have seen it all and been through it all, but most importantly, I wear it well. I do not look like all I have gone thru or overcome! All I can say is that I am now a beautiful wife and mother of two beautiful girls Jia (20) and Tiana (11). Writing this book ignited a necessary healing I did not even know I needed. I have dealt with the near death of my daughter at the hands of a family member.
Whew, most times, my own story, inspires and encourages me. The editor of my book told me it was the hardest book she ever had to edit. One counselor noted, this book, needs to be in the hands of every counselor. I worked all through High school and graduated in top of my class. I am an Army Veteran. I joined the U.S. States Army and Army National Guard served eight years and received an honorable discharge. I went back to college after dropping out of Hampton University in 2000, due to giving birth to my first child. I graduated with honors and now have four degrees. I am a Healthcare Administrator (MBA/MHA). I have always been about solutions. I have been writing for over 30 years and serving in my community for over 20 years. I assist high school and college students with essay writing for college and scholarships. I have assisted students earn thousands in scholarships. I started a mentoring group for girls, OneofaKind Girls, back in 2005.
In my program the message was to teach every girl that they are Oneofakind. We are all beautiful as we were created in God’s likeness and image. This was important for me coming from a childhood where I felt cursed and had several suicide attempts as a child. My message is simple, if I can, you can. I have served as AAU girls cheer coach, AAU basketball coach, parent liaison for all my daughters school activities and often serve the homeless communities. I have been a Girl Scouts Adult Volunteer for over 16 years. I have earned Presidential, National, and state recognition, for my service. Myself, my girls, and my mentor group earned the Prestigious Presidential Lifetime Service Award from President Barack Obama. This prestigious national award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them. And it honors the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation. I also earned the Prestigious Spirit of Service Award from University of Phoenix where I am still a college mentor. I was inducted into the University of Phoenix chapter of The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi in 2020.
I am now a published author, inspirational/motivational speaker, and writer. I am using my gift of writing with purpose on purpose. I love to write things that have purpose and meaning. I have written eight books. Along with my first book mentioned, I have published; “Every Freckle on My Face,” and “A Rose is still a Rose (collaboration project),” I lost my job at the end of July 2020 due to covid layoffs. I set a goal to complete at least four or five projects. I published, “I am not saying She was a Gold Digger,” a week after I lost my job. I met my goal and finished four additional books before the end of 2020. In the midst of a pandemic, I was able to complete five projects of the fifteen, I was working on. “Dear Light Skinned… Dark Skinned (for adults),” “Dear Light Skinned… Dark Skinned (for adults),” “Church Hurts,” and “How the Pandemic Saved Christmas.” I am so excited to see where these new projects take me. I plan on stepping into writing more books and producing meaningful films/movies, around some of my current and future books. I truly believe that my writings will leave a legacy, a lasting, and Oneofakind impact on the world. My story, all the good, all the bad, and all the ugly, was preparation for my destiny! I look eight pages of statistics in the face and tell them, this is what it looks like! You do not have to feed into what statistics say about you or the odds stacked against you. If I can, You Can, Your kids Can, I am living proof.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Does a smooth road worth traveling, actually exist? I do not think anything in my life was considered smooth for me. I came into this world fighting; fighting to live, fighting to survive, and then a greater part of it, fighting to beat the odds stacked against me. I have fought to beat what statistics had to say about people like me. It seemed like every time, I overcame one hurdle, here came another. Some things happened to me and other things happened as a direct result of my poor choices. I had dreams and goals. I earned a full scholarship for college to Hampton University. But getting pregnant and finding out fairly late into the pregnancy, brought on other challenges. My first pregnancy went undetected from doctors for nearly six months.
By the time, I found I was so sick, the doctors wanted to send me to Las Vegas, to end the pregnancy. I heard them advise that going through with the pregnancy could end my own life. Well, I recall being in Parkland Hospital years before. The diagnosis was cancer and that day I had prepared for the surgery that would prevent me from having children. They did not know what happened, but they rolled me out of there, no surgery and cancer free! So, I felt like that was God giving me another chance to be the mother I never had growing up. I was disappointed in myself because now, I had become the one thing I dread the most, a statistic. I was now a homeless college student, with baggage. I had lost everything I owned in a college robbery by roommate, a few weeks after the pregnancy. I made the decision that I would be the best mother I could be at all cost but never at the cost of my children. I dealt with almost losing my daughter when she was one years when she fell out of apartment window, while in the care of a nurse with a home childcare system. She was almost killed by a family member at the age of two years old.
I had the challenges most women face when they are left as the primary caretaker and provider of their children. From government assistance, homelessness, pay day loans, etc., Even though, I was married to their father for four years, they were my sole financial responsibility before and after the four year marriage. Overall, I will say that I did not allow my struggles to hold me back or give me an excuse to not seek excellence. I was a successful model and actress for seven years. I had the opportunity to work with and meet numerous celebrities and celebrity stylists over the years such as Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, G- Unit, Morris Chestnut, Boris Kodjoe, Vivica Fox, Steve Harvey, Floyd Mayweather, E-40, Chris Brown, and many others. Though I enjoyed modeling and acting. It took me on a detour, a path that allowed lots of valuable time to be lost towards my purpose and goals. But I was able to and still raising some amazingly beautiful, smart, and intelligent young girls.
I was able to pour out and into others when I barely had enough for us. I have always had a big heart and like beauty, that can be a blessing and a curse. I hurt a lot along the way. Lost a lot of friends along the way. I live with no regrets. I am thankful for all my struggles. There is no success without struggles. My struggles may be different than yours, but we all have them. Their intent is to make us better, stronger, and wiser. I look back and wonder would I be as loving, as kind, as compassionate, as understanding, or as empathetic, as I am, had I not experienced the massive struggles early on in life. I shared with you some of the things discussed in my first book, entitled, My Story: The good, the bad, and the ugly, preparation for my destiny.
Growing up in a house with eleven kids, we live and share differently, we love, laugh, and see life differently than others. Some of the things I experienced, as a child, would have killed most but it made me better, not bitter. Once you go through it, grow through it, and become a better person as a result. If I can, you can, your kids can, etc., I was able to go back and finish college with multiple degrees, from Associate’s to my Master’s. I wanted to show my daughters what hard work looked like. I wanted to love them the way I never felt loved. I wanted them to have the stability and consistency I never had. I will continue to mentor young girls, teens, and young adult women, as I have for over 20 years. I will remain authentic, bold, honest, and transparent about all my good, bad, and ugly. I feel that no struggle, challenge, or set back is bad if you learn from it. Now, I have a business that I am hopeful will become a successful company doing what I love to do, writing. And I will always give thanks for all the good, all the bad, and all the ugly, that prepared me for my destiny. In the dictionary, you cannot get to success, without first passing challenges, obstacles, and struggles.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
OneofakindTA, LLC is a 100%-woman veteran owned organization that specializes in author services, mentorship, writing, and special projects. Our mission is, “to leave a OneofaKind impact on the world.” I would love to become a fully functioning publishing company to help other upcoming authors and writers with their projects. And a movie and film production company, as well. I truly believe that God and writing saved my life. And helping others express themselves or communicate through writing is an honor. I have always enjoyed helping people so that is what I do.
I do ghost writing, freelance writing, and I am an inspirational and motivational speaker. I participate in events and conferences where I share my story to inspire, encourage, and motivate others. I have a section of my organization where I work with high school and college students on writing for college essays and scholarships. My daughters and I also have a “college for free,” seminar that is available to come to schools, churches, etc., with a college and career readiness specialist. The seminar educates parents and students on what they need, to position themselves, to attend college for free. I have been a mentor for girls, teens, and collegiate girls, through Oneofakind Girls, for over 20 years. The message is that we are all OneofaKind because we are fearfully and wonderfully made, in God’s likeness and image. We are all beautiful and that is the the foundation of my Girls mentor group.
My goal has always been to leave a Oneofakind touch or impact on everything I do. For example, in almost every book that I write, I try to include something extra or different, like a poem, or tools, scriptures, songs, etc., that will inspire or help someone. I write with purpose and on purpose so everything I do and am apart of has to be OneofaKind, have meaning and purpose, and leave an impact. I am proud to watch OneofaKind, the brand, the model, Oneofakind Girls, the mentor group and now OneofakindTA, LLC, to expand as it has. I believe knowing and wanting everything I do to be set apart, is what sets me apart from others. I am Simply OneofaKind; not because of what you see; and not because of what I have overcome. But because I did not allow what happened to me become an excuse to become who they said, I would be. And because I know I am OneofaKind and so are you, that is what I put into my work, a OneofaKind touch.
We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
If you have not learned any important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis, shame on you! I mean seriously! I lost my job in the midst of the covid-19 crisis. I saw it as a blessing rather than a loss. I was able to slow down, pause, and really take out the time to reflect on what was important in life. I got to finish five book projects I had been working on. I got to remain more of an active participant in my sixth-grade daughters education.
Before covid-19 I had some concerns with her schooling. Primarily how well the teachers and schools were preparing our kids for the STAAR test. I am in Texas, so I am unsure how other states handle their mandated school testing’s. But in Texas, it can become very stressful for our students and us as parents. I have enjoyed being like a virtual teacher with the school. We discovered some other areas of concern that needed to be exposed in the school. I am thankful to have been involved with that. So, as a newlywed of only seven months when covid happened. I got to spend more time with my husband and family. But overall, I got the opportunity to explore my creative side, I learned how to design my book covers, which has saved me lots of money. Overall, I learned that loved ones, life, and time are precious. Treasure them because once their time is up, God will need them back. If you waste time, it will tell on you! Multiple streams of income are vital. And slow down, focus on enjoying moments, rather than making memories. Do not allow what you go through to make you bitter. Grow through what you go through and allow it to make you BETTER! A WIN for You… A WIN for Me… A WIN FOR US.
- $15.00 -$16.00 Published books
- $25- $50 an hour editing services
- $20-$50 a page for Ghostwriting
- Negotiable “College for Free,” seminar for students, parents, communities, churches,
- Free or Negotiable – College Essay & Scholarship writing
Contact Info:
- Email: OneofakindTiffany@Oneofakindta.com
- Website: www.OneofakindTA.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoneofakindta_author/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.s.king1
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCN5PV0gf5jjrjhzrHr-UOiA
- Other: amazon.com/author/oneofakind_tiffany_weaver
Image Credits:
James Murrell Facebook @ Indigo Photography 2019 (Headshots & Dear Light Skinned… Dark Skinned cover Images)
Tiffany Weaver @ OneofakindTA, LLC dba OneofakindTA & Co. (book cover designs)
Jackie Castle @ castle creations for my cover layout and formatting.