Today we’d like to introduce you to Tiffany Woodus.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Dr. Woodus. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
I’m a country girl from small-town Arkansas. I grew up as a preacher’s kid with a small congregation of supporters, small enough to fit in the living room of our home. Those folks believed in me even before I believed in myself. I mean, they bought into my dreams 100%, so much so that they called me doctor from the age of eight when I first started exploring this dream. Every kid needs that. A group of adults who are sold out crazy for them and believe they can achieve even what they can’t yet see. This was my first platform.
My heart for service started there, in that church. It was nurtured by my family, who taught me to be both gracious and relentless in pursuit of my goals. From my Dad, who is a servant leader from the pulpit, to my Mom, who is my biggest supporter, to my grandfather, who is the hardest working man I know-service is my core. It’s who I am. It’s what I do. It’s that spirit that led me to a career in medicine.
Medicine, to me, is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease- or dis-ease as I like to say. This state of unrest, lack of wellness, malalignment… It sounds like I’m describing current events, doesn’t it? I think we are all feeling some of that right about now. And even more than that, I think most of us are trying to find our voice, our place, our lane in the midst of this revolution. And that is where Woodus Obstetrics and Gynecology was born.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
This whole journey has been a faith walk, and it has never been about me. I have always been keenly aware of the favor in my life. Not the least of which was my support system, which included my community, my family, my spiritual family, and my elders. These giants in my life propelled me forward. When I think of their unshakable faith in me, all they sacrificed and endured, I feel a great responsibility to show up and be outstanding. This self-imposed pressure to carry so many and not disappoint felt suffocating and isolating at times. It was a demon by the name of imposter syndrome and it is a battle I have fought many times.
When others tried to make me feel unworthy because of my sunkissed hue, to doubting my voice because of insecurity and uncertainty, to questioning whether I truly belonged in these spaces that weren’t made for me and made no efforts to accommodate me; this journey has been a struggle at every turn. But I am here to tell you that greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world. If this brown-skinned, small-town country girl, preacher’s kid from Arkansas can make it-SO CAN YOU!
We’d love to hear more about your practice.
We are failing our mothers. Particularly our black and brown mamas who are 2x more likely to struggle with infertility, 2-3x more likely to have unintended pregnancies, 2x more likely to deliver preterm, 2-3x more likely to have gestations that result in fetal deaths & 3-4x more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications.
Woodus Obstetrics & Gynecology is my answer to this crisis. We are working hard to create an experience in women’s healthcare where you are celebrated, not just tolerated. We understand the issues and unique risks that inundate black and brown women in our healthcare system. We are committed to providing all women with the Rights, Respect, and Resources necessary to thrive in every aspect of healthcare. We are dedicated to doing our part to end women’s health disparities through Education, Elevation, and Empowerment. We will continue to do the work to ensure No mama is left behind. We hold firm to the belief that we are only as strong as our sister beside us.
Be seen. Be heard. Be understood at Woodus Obstetrics & Gynecology. Together, we WILL change the narrative. Enough is Enough.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success means yielding myself to service. Success is educating my community. Success is elevating mindsets by breaking down barriers and dispelling disparities. Success is empowering women to find their voices and take ownership of their narrative. Success is to be found pleasing in the sight of my savior, making my ancestors proud, and galvanizing the next generation of trailblazers.
Contact Info:
- Address: 918 E. Pleasant Run, Suite 110
Cedar Hill, TX 75104 Opening October 2020 - Website: woodusobgyn.com
- Phone: (469) 206-9080
- Email: twoodus@woodusobgyn.com
- Instagram: @docwoodus
- Facebook: @docwoodus
Image Credit:
Tavia Whitlowe
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