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North Dallas 9.13.2017

Linda Seto

As a young child, I enjoyed creative and artistic activities such as writing, performing, arts and drawing. My playtime was filled with adventures from my imagination and having the neighborhood kids be a part of my creative plays, stories, acting them out for fun. Thus, was my first experience in developing my early writing, directing and producing skills, the spark caught fire and my passion grew. Read more>>

David McGarry

It was 20 years ago this summer that I came to Dallas to do an internship at the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas. I thought my plan was just to be here for the summer and go back to living in Florida where I was from. However, little did I know I would meet my now wife of 17 years and build my career here. I have spent the last 20 years working as a fitness manager, personal trainer, and fitness entrepreneur. Read more>>

Lena Magenheimer

Me and my husband Karl Magenheimer started Jump City in 1999 when he was diagnosed with cancer. We started with 5 basic bounce houses and a pickup truck. We were told by doctors he would die from cancer within 5 years and we had 4 children at home. My husband started chemo and shortly had to stop working. It was up to me and my kids to make it work. Read more>>

David Hood

We’ve been doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Dallas for 5 and a half years. We’ve been ranking on the 1st page of Google for “Dallas SEO” related search phrases for over 4 years. We have helped many businesses grow via ranking their website higher in Google. Sometimes it has been smooth and sometimes it has not been smooth. Read more>>

Melinda Marcus

Ever wish you had more influence at work? How would you like to walk into meetings with the confidence that your messaging is spot on, your body language conveys trust, and you’ve got the power of persuasive psychology behind you? Helping people, like you, get to “yes” on these questions is what motivated Melinda Marcus to launch her firm Influence Advisors. Read more>>

Tyler and Lindsey Burns

Tyler has loved filming since he could hold a camera – literally! As a kid he grew up making short films with the neighborhood kids on his parent’s camera, and I fell in love with photography in high school after an art teacher encouraged me that I had an eye for it! Weddings fell into our laps naturally, and when we met in college, we both were running our own businesses – I was photographing weddings and Tyler filming weddings. Read more>>

Jeanine Roddy

Some people fall into their careers letting circumstances guide the way; others choose their career path by following their passion. For me, becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist was a conscious choice. My career began in the business world. It didn’t take me long to realize the business industry was not personally fulfilling. Read more>>

Stacy Shepherd

I began yoga as a hobby and a practice in 1982, practicing on and off as I created and built my first business, got married, had children, sold my business and began developing businesses for others in the field of commercial landscape management. I took my first Teacher Training courses in 20o9, became certified to teach and a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher in 2010. Read more>>

Nicole Arnold

Nicole Arnold, one of the nation’s most uniquely qualified and multi-skilled interior designers, provides a full range of extraordinary design services to luxury residential and prominent commercial clients throughout the metropolitan Dallas area. Read more>>

Mike Delaurier

Michael moved to Dallas in 2007 on a different adventure, and noticed a need for some good home cooking. Michael convinced Debra his aunt, who just happens to be a Red Seal Chef to move to Dallas and open a restaurant with him. We decided to bring a little Canadian cuisine and mix it with little bit of the south. Read more>>

David Howard

We started Kinder Harbors Animal Sanctuary with the intent of being in development for a few years and then trying to position ourselves so that we could actually go into operations. That hasn’t happened. Instead we have been assisting other non-profit animal rescues and sanctuaries with their operations and also helping individuals with their animals. Read more>>

Troy Greisen

I have a lifelong calling and passion to work and volunteer and serve those with disabilities and special needs. It began in High school, with a close friend who had an accident that caused sudden brain trauma. He became involved in Special Education, and I was inspired. I then sought a degree in Special Ed, and through an internship, landed a job with Special Olympics. Read more>>

Marina Pomaro

Marina Pomaro and her husband Mark acquired the Russian Banya of Dallas in June of 2015 (this place been around for 10 years already). The couple purchased Banya from its original owner in order to keep the spa and Eastern- European restaurant “Volga” open to Dallas community. “Banya” means a bath house and Russian Banya of Dallas, the only one of its kind in all Texas. Read more>>

Jenny Dean

I started my career as a Special Education teacher but after having children decided to stay home and raise my family. Yoga has changed not only my body but my mind and I love it! Hot Power Vinyasa is my passion and my goal is to share all the positive benefits of what yoga can offer. It is a phenomenal cardio workout that will burn calories, strengthen and tone as well as sculpt your muscles. Read more>>

Jerry Beers

In 2008, when Apple opened up the iPhone to 3rd party developers, I was out at their developer conference and really got excited about what they were enabling. I jumped in with both feet and started doing as much iOS development as I could. I recognized that there would be a big demand and started to build a team of developers. Read more>>

Keith Lewis

TUPPS Brewery started in May of 2015 after 6 year of home brewing in the garage. Tupper Patnode, my buddy and I, decided to take a leap of faith and open up a brewery here in McKinney, TX. My two sons and daughter quit their “real” jobs to join me in this adventure. Many of the original home-brew recipes are in the core lineup but we have expanded our recipes and can’t wait to continue to grow the business and make more great beer. Read more>>

Cheryl Albert

Psalms Home Care Consulting was created out of a special relationship that Founder and Owner Cheryl Albert had for over five years as a caregiver for a very special elderly couple. The bond between this couple and Cheryl deepened because they were able to receive loving quality care in their own home and on their own terms. Read more>>

Mike Smith and Lucas Lawson

After 23 years of service with TRW and rising to a Regional Director position, Mike was laid off in 1992. As the sole breadwinner of his family and with two kids in college he was forced to make some tough decisions. Should he seek another managerial position with a large firm that didn’t look out for his best interests or should he rely on his own abilities to earn a living? Read more>>

Nimesh Patel

My story starts with a love for all things science. All through elementary, middle, and high school, I had a passion for the sciences. After finishing undergrad at Ohio State University, I pursued a doctorate in dental medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and then continued on to Columbia to learn Orthodontics. Read more>>

Mansur Plumber

With technology at its core, AdComp Systems has always stayed on the cutting edge of automation solutions. Founded by Mansur Plumber in Queens New York, this was the time when Walkmans and VCRs and CRTs were abundant and PCs were running DOS and 14.4k modems, Compuserve was the internet and AOL was just about getting launched. Read more>>

Bobby Colclasure, Kerri Colclasure

The dream of CRYO started with my daughter, Tenley, who is a competitive Gymnast. She trains 30 hours a week, and we found the hardest thing was keeping her body healthy. So as her parents, we sought ways to help her recover so she could continue to chase her DREAMS. We found CRYO and immediately fell in love with it! Read more>>

Harvey Castro

Dr. Castro is an exceptionally trained emergency room physician who has demonstrated the ability to forge, lead, and motivate outstanding healthcare teams by providing the most advanced healthcare services to local and outward communities throughout Texas. Dr. Castro has been voted “Best Doctor” of 2014-2017 by D Magazine and is certified by The American Board of Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians. Read more>>

Ron Katyal

I really feel that the big events in your life are written, like what you are going to be, how many kids you will have etc. I feel that I was bread to be in this field. From working on cars my whole life and working with my hands it really helped me excel in working in such a small confined space. Read more>>

Bill Zukoski

In the spring of 1996 I was recently married to my wife Karen and was looking for new work. As I was walking across the parking lot at 8235 Douglas Ave in Preston Center into a friend’s office, Scott Shuford pulled up beside me, rolled down his window and asked if I would come up to his office to talk about an idea he had. Read more>>

Jeff Carrillo

I moved to Dallas, TX from Lakeland, FL about 3 and a half years ago. After the move, I got a job working in commercial aviation insurance. I wrote insurance policies for a few companies who started working with drones and my interest was immediately sparked. I started to realize how much impact drone technology could have on a variety of different industries. Read more>>

Andrew Kissel

Technology was a natural fit for me in high school. This was the late 90s in Seattle. Grunge Rock and Microsoft ruled. It was the perfect time to build a foundation in IT. I joined the U.S. Navy as a cryptologist and furthered my growth in tech. Serving in the Navy was beneficial in ways both tangible and intangible, but most crucially it helped me jumpstart a career in tech and provided me the tools to go at it alone as a freelancer. Read more>>

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