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Rising Stars: Meet Deirdre Price

Today we’d like to introduce you to Deirdre Price. 

Hi Deirdre, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
Well… It all started in 2007. I just wanted to lose a little weight so I could make it through a line dance without tiring out and losing my breath so quickly. Now here I am, a WHOLE certified group fitness instructor getting my life through empowering women and having them empower me!

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Not. At. All. I have been my biggest detractor. Not speaking kindly to myself, you know it’s true that self-deprecating talk from the person you hear from the most can derail you at every corner. I had to learn to champion myself wherever I am, at every crossroad, at every junction, at every hallelujah and every hell no! And when I broke my ankle in 2021, all those self empowerment mantras and daily affirmations were put to the test!

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
In my professional life I am a project analyst/practice manager in the healthcare space where I focus on using technology and common sense to work to eradicate socio-economic disparities in communities where inhabitants look most like me. In my passionate life I am a certified group fitness instructor working at one of the most unique, Black, female-owned boutique gyms in Dallas, where I focus on bringing you one of the most dynamic, engaging, fire-fueled indoor cycle experiences you’ve ever had! I am so proud to have the privilege to be there and for the push to do it.

I am known for creating playlist that drive the ride and bringing the “hype on the bike”. Together these attributes elicit feeling and drive motivation. They create the atmosphere for participants to deepen their resolve and push through a tough experience as a team and come out on the other side feeling accomplished.

Oh, and I’m funny and I’m real and I think the biggest thing is I don’t look like those instructors on tv. I look like the folks I’m leading and it’s good because it removes their apprehensions and lets them know that the goal isn’t perfection, it’s persistence and we’re going somewhere TOGETHER … they don’t need to catch up, we’re exactly where we should be.

What’s next?
This year I hope to launch a subscription box business that focuses on bringing subscribers full sized products from black, woman owned retailers and start-ups in the health and wellness space. I can’t believe I said that out loud, but now I have all these readers to be my accountability partners. I am also really trying to be receptive to what the universe serves. The one word for the year is super popular now, especially since Meghan Markle revealed this is her new year’s tradition. I am so not a new year, new me girl, but I am OPEN and always tuned in. Whenever and wherever I feel that little tug, I am inclined to explore. So my word for the year is ‘open’ and I am accepting of and willing to fulfill what is lain at my doorstep. I think that’s what’s exciting, a little mystery, some unknown.

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Image Credits
Grit Fitness Dream

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