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Artist of the Day: Monica Cowsert

Today’s Artist of the Day features an interview with Monica Cowsert. Please find our conversation below.

Let’s jump right into your art and creative works. What should folks know?
My subject matter is nature, whether it is a traditional landscape or a bird and flower painting – basically, it is what I see. Like life, however, it is layered, at times completely unorganized, and changes during the process many times. For me personally the painting process has been healing and joyful. Through my artwork, I try to bring the outside in and aesthetically honor the nature that has inspired me in the first place, but I make no attempt to portray my subjects in an exact likeness. This is basically my artist statement… and my logo is “Where Are Meets Happy.” I think sometimes artists feel like they have to be serious and dramatic about their art, and I take the approach that if it doesn’t make you smile, then my goal hasn’t been reached.

Has your art / artistic practice changed you? How?
Changes come daily in life. My children who took up a lot of time have grown now and are embarking in their next phases of life. Health issues happen at times in our or our families lives and they become a priority we didn’t plan on. We simply have disruptors every day and we have to navigate through things – planned or not.

I like how you worded the question by asking if my art/artistic practice has changed me, and I think it has stabilized me more than changed me. Maybe the consistent practice of making art has been what has gotten me THROUGH those changes when otherwise I could have taken a destructive, unproductive, addictive…(you see my point)…path.

I had been taking art classes a few years when my precious Mom passed away after a long battle with cancer. I wore grief like the clothes on my back. It was in every fiber of my being, and I knew I had to make a decision on where to put the grief. Before the month was out, I rented a studio. In a way, it was to honor my creative Mom who wouldn’t have wanted to sitting around. Art distracted me and grounded me and guided me through the change in life I didn’t want to face.

I make decisions that keep me on the path of making art… but change me? No. Art is my friend that got me through changes so I could continue to be the person I was meant to me.

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite artist?

Favorite book?
A Gentleman in Moscow

Favorite movie?
Out of Africa

Favorite genre of music?
I like it all… yes, even at times, rap.

Favorite cuisine?
Tex-Mex of course

Surprising Fact
I used to have a monkey for a pet.

Ketchup or Mustard?

Savory or Sweet?

Sparkling or Still?

How can someone support you?
It is forever an honor when people comment that they enjoy my work. Sometimes, that is all the support needed. Wait. Nope… that is a bold-faced lie. We do need support! But that doesn’t mean people have to buy my art just because I have it. Support comes in many forms…let me name a few.

Come to our open studio events, drink our wine, and invite your friends! Win – Win
If you go in a friends house and see they might like your art…introductions via Instagram, studio visit, etc…always easy.
If an artist has an upcoming event, repost or share…even if you can’t attend. Word of mouth is great!
If you love a piece they have done, you can always post and credit the artist!
If you are looking for a space to fill, see about commissions. I do a number of them every year and have a “you no like, you no buy” policy. If you are looking for something that isn’t my style, I’ll get you in touch with other local artists.

Art selling takes eyeballs. If you are in galleries, that comes naturally. If you are not, you have to self-promote. We artists are creative but terrible at self-promotion. Yuck… Thank goodness for social media when it comes to getting the word out… even though I sometimes think social media is the devil!

But wait… stop what you are doing. Grab a pencil and calendar, or if you are under 50… you’ll have your phone! I have a perfect example of how you can support this sweet local artist! Me. I have a solo show coming up. My first one ever, and it is in a wonderful location in Downtown Plano, TX. You are invited. And your friends. And your mom too… and her friend Betty of course. Betty is always invited.

September 7th, 2024 Opening until mid-October
ArtCentre of Plano
902 E. 16th St.

I’ll be posting, inviting, and hoping you all feel welcome to come. Phew… that wasn’t so hard.

Well, that is not exactly true… it takes money, time and commitment to continue this career path.

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